I'm using PlayFramework and Twirl to generate some classes using swagger files.

I'm trying to split a big file into small pieces and making it more maintainable. But when the file is rendered the tag with the content from the other file is ignored:


@(otherFile: String) 
   "foo": "bar"
   "one": "two"


   "a": "b"


package com.telefonica.baikal.views.txt

import _root_.play.twirl.api.TwirlFeatureImports._
import _root_.play.twirl.api.TwirlHelperImports._
import _root_.play.twirl.api.Html
import _root_.play.twirl.api.JavaScript
import _root_.play.twirl.api.Txt
import _root_.play.twirl.api.Xml
import models._
import controllers._
import play.api.i18n._
import views.txt._
import play.api.templates.PlayMagic._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.data._

object bigFile extends _root_.play.twirl.api.BaseScalaTemplate[play.twirl.api.TxtFormat.Appendable,_root_.play.twirl.api.Format[play.twirl.api.TxtFormat.Appendable]](play.twirl.api.TxtFormat) with _root_.play.twirl.api.Template2[String,String,play.twirl.api.TxtFormat.Appendable] {

def apply/*1.2*/(otherFile: String):play.twirl.api.TxtFormat.Appendable = {
_display_ {

"""),format.raw/*4.5*/(""""foo": "bar"
"""),format.raw/*8.5*/(""""one": "two"

Render file:

   "foo": "bar"
   "one": "two"

Any idea to render de other file into the big file?

1 Answers1


Couple of issues with bigFile.scala.txt:

  • argument otherFile is a string that shadows template with same name.
  • to include a template into another template, use brackets. If you included brackets and didn't rename input argument, it would probably not compile.

So to sum it up, try something like this, bigFile.scala.txt:

@(otherFile2: String)
        "foo": "bar"
        "one": "two"

Somewhere in your controller:

def serveBigFile() = Action { request =>
  Ok(views.txt.bigFile("""{"x": "y"}"""))

Result should look like:

        "foo": "bar"
    {"x": "y"},
            "a": "b"
        "one": "two"
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