when I am trying to commit my new local repository at GitHub from GitHub-desktop it is throwing an error "Commit failed - exit code 1 received"

Rahul Raj
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5 Answers5




Check first if you have added files to your index.
Open the command line and check your git status.

Second, see desktop/desktop issue 3701:

some users have run into this error due to having nested .git directories.
Can you try searching your repository to see if you have multiple .git directories?

Had a .git in my repository (which I needed) and a .git in a subfolder (which I deleted), then it worked.

Finally, check if you have any submodule (a .gitmodules file at the root of your repo).
See desktop/desktop issue 1770.

If I commit changes in submodule myself than GitHub Desktop is able to push and/or commit changes after that. After submodule is committed manually SHA1 changes from dirty. At this point I can commit to main repo.

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    I am using nuxt.js inside Django. As a result, there were two .git folders. One for Django and another for Nuxt.js. I deleted the one for Nuxt.js. Now it works. Thanks. – Nilanshu Jaiswal Apr 28 '20 at 06:52

I removed the repository from GitHub Desktop (not from the disk) and then added it again as a local repository and this solved the issue for me.

I was receiving this error as well, but unlike others I did not have have any nested .git folders. When trying to view changes, each of the files appeared as "empty" until I removed the repository from GitHub Desktop and added it again.

Adam Ryason
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I encountered the same thing and it's caused by .git in subfolder.

Just removed all related .git files and the error disappeared.

mini yang
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  • That's right. I added another GitHub Repo to my own Repo. With Windows, the .git folder is normally invisible. You can see and delete him when you change the appearance of invisible folders. – Mare Seestern Jan 29 '21 at 08:40

exitcode 1 while committing is not always a real "error".

i do not know GitHub-desktop (and which commands exactly be executed by GitHub-desktop) but maybe your problem has the same core-"problem" as my problem some days ago. in my case i had a branch master which tracks/follows origin/master. i executed:

git pull --no-commit --no-ff
git commit -m "merge"

i found that if origin/master has no commits which can be pulled by the git pull-command then the git commit-command is obviously doing nothing because there are no staged changes and has (imo: surprisingly) the exit-code 1 although no error occurred.

(i guess git commit should have exitcode 0 if it has really created a commit).

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Resolved. I committed via cmd prompt and did not face this issue again.

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