Pedantic question. Where does the "ful" in RESTful come from?

What exactly is RESTful programming? goes into what RESTful is, but not really this question.

In What's the difference between REST & RESTful, I don't see where the suffix "ful" comes into place as a term. Again, this is a rather pedantic question.

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    http://www.yourdictionary.com/ful – Kenneth K. Apr 26 '18 at 16:27
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    I'm going so far to state that `RESTful`is rather used to define any (JSON) service exposed via HTTP, regardless if it tries to decouple clients from services or it violating certain constraints, while `REST` advocates try to actually achieved true decoupling which can only be achieve by following each step involved (relying on HATEOAS, using content-type negotiation, using common expressive media-types, ...). Btw, I also like [RESTfool](https://twitter.com/andreineculau/status/312136503121809408) ^^ – Roman Vottner Apr 26 '18 at 16:44

1 Answers1


It's purely there to make it look and sound like the English word "restful:"

Something that is restful helps you to feel calm and relaxed.

The "REST" part is "REpresentational State Transfer." Adding "ful" makes it possible to promote the use of the technology/pattern using a word with positive connotations.

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