This code is not compiling on Swift 3.3. It's showing the message: 'self' used inside 'catch' block reachable from super.init call

public class MyRegex : NSRegularExpression {

    public init(pattern: String) {
        do {
            try super.init(pattern: pattern)
        } catch {
            print("error parsing pattern")


What could that be?

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The object is not fully initialized if super.init fails, in that case your initializer must fail as well.

The simplest solution would be to make it throwing:

public class MyRegex : NSRegularExpression {

    public init(pattern: String) throws {
        try super.init(pattern: pattern)
        // ...


Or as a failable initializer:

public class MyRegex : NSRegularExpression {

    public init?(pattern: String)  {
        do {
            try super.init(pattern: pattern)
        } catch {
            print("error parsing pattern:", error.localizedDescription)
            return nil
        // ...
Martin R
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