I'm in the early stages of learning Dart & Flutter. I'm looking at how to implement an eventbus, which works fine, but I've noticed that Widgets (and/or their associated state) hold a strong reference to the (global) eventbus, causing a memory leak. The solution is to cancel the subscription in the widget-state's dispose method, but I'd like to know if there's a better approach (I'm coming from Swift which allows variables to be declared as 'weak').


I ended up subclassing the state as follows... any better suggestions?

abstract class CustomState<T extends StatefulWidget> extends State {

  List<StreamSubscription> eventSubscriptions = [];

  void subscribeToEvent(Object eventClass, Function callback) {
    StreamSubscription subscription = eventBus.on(eventClass).listen(callback);

  void dispose() {
    eventSubscriptions.forEach((subscription) => subscription.cancel());
    eventSubscriptions = null;

class MyEvent {
  String text;

class _MyHomePageState extends CustomState<MyHomePage> {

  void initState() {
    subscribeToEvent(MyEvent, onEventFired);

  void onEventFired(event) {
    print('event fired:  ${event.runtimeType}  ${event.text}');
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2 Answers2


Dart doesn't provide weak reference feature.

An Expando has a weak reference behavior though. Not sure if this is of use in your use case.

I sometimes use a Mixin that provides a list where I can add subscriptions and a dispose methode that cancels all subscriptions and add it to widgets and other classes where I need it.

Günter Zöchbauer
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As of 2020, I'd like to add to Günter's answer that I've just published a package that goes as close as possible to a weak-reference by implementing a weak-map and a weak-container.

It's much easier to use than an Expando (it uses Expando internally).

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