I'm using nodejs with express for the backend and react with react-router-dom for the front and I can't properly navigate through the app.

I tried to reuse the example on react-router with PrivateRoute but my Components, once logged in, won't display.

So far, here is what happens:

  • Url: '/' => User fill in its crendentials
  • Url: '/section' => Empty view with Warning: You tried to redirect to the same route you're currently on: "/section"

If I reload the page, I get a Cannot GET '/section' and if I return to '/', only my component of authentification load displaying that I'm connected.

I'd like my Header, Navigation and Section Component to be displayed once logged in but did I miss?

My authentification Component

const AuthForm = withRouter(() => // history
    (checkAuthenticated() ?
        <p>Congrat, you re logged in</p>
        <UserForm />

My privateRoute Component

function PrivateRoute({ component: Component, ...rest }) {
  return (
      render={props => (
        checkAuthenticated() === true
          ? <Component {...props} />
          : (
            <Redirect to={{
                  pathname: '/login',
                  state: {
                    from: props.location,

My main component:

class Everything extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      administrator: false,

  render() {
    return (
        <div className="only1child">
            <AuthForm />
              render={() => (
                <div className="somenav">
                  <Header user="fake Edgar Allan Poe" view="/loginFake" />
                  <Navigation administrator={this.state.administrator} />
            <PrivateRoute path="/section" component={Section} />
  • 66
  • 1
  • 8

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