
I have a project to complete which requires me to find the fundamental frequencies of phoneme vowels of human voice. I am new to sound processing and don't know how to proceed with this. Can anyone guide me how I should approach this problem?

I have tried searching methods for finding the fundamental frequency using FFT and Auto-correlation methods but I'm unable to find a solution. Can anyone provide me with a code snippet?

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  • I have no idea what you tried to search in the internet, but if you google it correctly you will find everything you need: [google result](https://www.google.com/search?num=30&client=firefox-b&ei=hjDPWoTiL8fe6QSi5a6ADg&q=Fundamental+frequency+audio+processing&oq=Fundamental+frequency+audio+processing&gs_l=psy-ab.3...6500.6500.0.7940. – Irreducible Apr 12 '18 at 10:09
  • Possible duplicate of [Detecting the fundamental frequency](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/435533/detecting-the-fundamental-frequency) – Irreducible Apr 12 '18 at 10:12

1 Answers1


IMHO the RAPT is the best algorithm of pitch tracking.

See the algorithm description.

I have used two RAPT implementations:

  • The Speech Filing System. With google you can also find sources. This is very good reference implementation in pure C. Unfortunately integrating this to some system is not very trivial.
  • The VOICEBOX MATLAB implementation. Sometimes gives other results compared with the previous algorithm implementation.

N.B. If you need the precise pitch frequency estimation you have to look at the Instantaneous RAPT algorithm.

Andrei Davydov
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