I am trying to scrape data from yahoo after logging in to my yahoo account. I've tried to follow the answers to Using rvest or httr to log in to non-standard forms on a webpage and Scraping password protected forum in r , but after submitting the form I do not seem to be logged in and I get redirected back to the log in page.

Here is the code I am using:

yahoo <- html_session("https://login.yahoo.com/")
form <- html_form(yahoo)[[1]]
filled_form <- set_values(form, "username"="myusername", "passwd"="mypassword")
filled_form$url <- yahoo$url  # otherwise I get an error from no url
sess <- submit_form(yahoo, filled_form)

I should then be able to navigate to the personal information page and select a node that reads "Personal info":

sess %>%
    jump_to("https://login.yahoo.com/account/personalinfo") %>%
    read_html() %>%
    html_nodes("h1") %>%

But instead, I just get "Sign in". One potential issue is with submit_form(), which seems to be using passwd rather than the correct submit button (signin). But when I try using signin, I get an error from submit_form:

sess <- submit_form(yahoo, filled_form, submit='signin')

gives "Error: Unknown submission name 'signin'.Possible values: passwd"

Any ideas for what I should be doing differently, or what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

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