i have following routes defined:

   <Route exact path="/dashboard/main" render={() => <Dashboard toggleModal={this.toggleModal} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu} />} />
   <Route exact path="/dashboard/channels/:id/:channelName/collaborators" render={(props) => <Collaborators {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
   <Route exact path="/dashboard/channels/:id/:channelName/:type" render={(props) => <VideoStats {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
   <Route path="/dashboard/edit_video" render={(props) => <EditVideo {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
   <Route path="/dashboard/account" render={(props) => <Account {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/> } />
   <Route path="/dashboard/socialMedia" render={(props) => <SocialMedia {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
   <Route path="/dashboard/media-library" render={(props) => <MediaLibrary {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
   <Route path="/dashboard/shares" render={(props) => <Shares {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />

i am working on second and third route. now if path is : http://localhost:3000/dashboard/channels/5ab09ca6d224c413423c2819/abc/LIVE_WEB <VideoState/> Component renders

But if path is:


then Both <Collaborators/> and <VideoState/> component renders. i have tried all possible methods of removing and adding exact prop. like giving it to only one at a time and removing it from all of them. nothing works. How do i avoid <VideoState/> component to render for the second path mention above.

Sushmit Sagar
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2 Answers2


You can get using another Component and render condition base

const AnotheCompoent = (props) => <div>
{ props.match.params.type == 'collaborators' ?

<Collaborators {...props}/> : 

<VideoStats  {...props}/> }

<Route exact path="/dashboard/channels/:id/:channelName/:type" render={(props) => <AnotheCompoent {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
Birbal Singh
  • 954
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Add a Switch. It will render the first route that matches the path only.

 <Route exact path="/dashboard/main" render={() => <Dashboard toggleModal={this.toggleModal} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu} />} />
   <Route path="/dashboard/channels/:id/:channelName/collaborators" render={(props) => <Collaborators {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
   <Route path="/dashboard/channels/:id/:channelName/:type" render={(props) => <VideoStats {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
 <Route path="/dashboard/edit_video" render={(props) => <EditVideo {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
 <Route path="/dashboard/account" render={(props) => <Account {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/> } />
 <Route path="/dashboard/socialMedia" render={(props) => <SocialMedia {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
 <Route path="/dashboard/media-library" render={(props) => <MediaLibrary {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />
 <Route path="/dashboard/shares" render={(props) => <Shares {...props} saveMatchForSidebarMenu={this.saveMatchForSidebarMenu}/>} />


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  • thanx it worked. Could you please explain what do you mean by "path only". i am new to react and react router and i am having so much difficulty understanding routing. – Sushmit Sagar Mar 20 '18 at 06:04
  • The `path` attribute that you provide to the `Route`. In its normal behavior `Router` renders all Routes that have their path matching to the current URL. But when you use a `Switch`, it will render only the first `Route` with path matching the URL. – Agney Mar 20 '18 at 06:06