
Tables 1 as below


user_id | teaching_in 
111     |   1,2,3
112     |   1,4
113     |   4,2

Tables 2 as below


IdTeaching | name
1          |   Biology
2          |   Chemistry
3          |   Mathematics

Now what i want is to have an output of all the names of subjects a User (Teacher) teaches in because one user as seen from the table can teach many subjects

For example I want all the subjects for user with id 111

I tried this but no success as it returns only one record

select teaching_in.name 
  from teaching_in 
  join users_options_experience 
    on user_options_experience.teaching_in = teaching_in.IdTeachingin 
 where user_options_experience.user_id = 15605
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2 Answers2


SELECT a.user_id, GROUP_CONCAT(b.name ORDER BY b.IdTeaching) DepartmentName FROM User_Option_Experience a INNER JOIN Teaching_in b ON FIND_IN_SET(b.IdTeaching , a.teaching_in) > 0 GROUP BY a.user_id

Answered by enter link description here

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SELECT  b.name 
FROM    User_Option_Experience a
        INNER JOIN Teaching_in b
            ON FIND_IN_SET(a.teaching_in , b.IdTeaching )
WHERE a.user_id=111;

Use FIND_IN_SET function of mysql

Hope this will help you.

Sumesh TG
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