I'm trying to make a CheckBox element inside the table which shows the contents of my database. I'm trying to make it a bit more clickable and nice instead of the default CheckBox but since I'm using the ASP CheckBox I can't really do a lot with it.

I've looked for different ways and what I've found thus far is:

  • Hide the default checkbox and make a CSS one
  • Use image button instead and change the image when clicked
  • Use a skin file
  • Use the CSS checkbox and call the asp code with javascript (my idea)

The problem is that these will be generated for every row and I would call a function checking and identifying (to delete or edit) all the checked records.

What would be the best way to go into this?
Or are there any better ways?

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1 Answers1


Try this one, it provides different suggestion for checkbox's css:

How to style a checkbox using CSS?

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