I'm trying to modify a functor to accept an argument so I could sort a set based in that parameter. I just can't figure it out

struct sortset {
  bool operator() (const string& s1, const string& s2) const {
    //Sorting algorithm depending on "sortingVar"

main() {
  string sortingVar; cin >> sortingVar;
  set<string, sortset> mySet;
Joan Pastor
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1 Answers1


Give the comparator a constructor which accepts the argument to determine the comparator's behaviour:

struct sortset
  sortset(const string& sortingVar) : sortingVar(sortingVar) {}

  bool operator() (const string& s1, const string& s2) const {
    //Sorting algorithm based on "sortingVar"
  const string sortingVar;

int main() {
  string sortingVar; cin >> sortingVar;

  // Either:
  set<string, sortset> mySet{sortset{sortingVar}};

  // Or:
  sortset comp{sortingVar};
  set<string, sortset> mySet{comp};

  // ...

Notice that the set constructor allows you to provide an actual instance of the comparator, so you can use that to pass one that is not default-constructed (a good thing too, since no such thing can now exist).

Add some std::moves if you like.

Don't forget to give main a return type.

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