At this moment, i'm working in a shapefile visor in C++ and QT and using the GDAL/OGR library. I have this method to get the EPSG of my shapefiles:

OGRLayer layer = dataset->GetLayer(0);
OGRSpatialReference *spatialRef = layer->GetSpatialRef();

With this I get the EPSG number with:


This work fine in all my shape files less one. In this case, the method always retun null.

I try use:


And all this method return "".

I check this shapefile in a gis program as QGIS and QGIS autodetected that his EPSG is 25830.

My question is this: could the projection information be readed with a different method than what I'm doing?

I wait yours suggestions.

Thank a lot.


This is the content of .prj file:


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1 Answers1


Something like this should work:

OGRLayer  * layer = dataset->GetLayer(0);
OGRFeature * feat= layer->GetNextFeature(); 
OGRGeometry * geom = feat->GetGeometryRef(); 
OGRSpatialReference * spatRef = geom->getSpatialReference(); 
int EPSG =  spatRef->GetEPSGGeogCS(); 

Hope it helps!

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  • I use your method, and work fine with all my shapes except with the referenced in this post. In this case, all EPSG from geometrys return -1. – Zharios Mar 15 '18 at 08:08
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    There's something definitely wrong with this particular EPSG in OGR, either in the underlying PROJ4 defs or in OGR/GEOS. Both GetEPSGGeogCS() and AutoIdentifyEPSG() return incorrect values (-1/7) when called on spatRef, even if the spatial reference system is initialized with proj4 parameters found on http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/etrs89-utm-zone-30n/, or with SetWellKnownGeogCS( "EPSG:25830" ). – Streamsoup Mar 15 '18 at 19:51