

I'm working on kind of calculator, am not much comfortable with regex. My need is JavaScript regular expression to validate whether both ( ) brackets are present, there may be some character inside the brackets.

suggestions please

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2 Answers2


Simple regex:

var string = '1234 + 1234 (5)';
if (string.match('\(|\)')) {
    console.log('() found')
Tony Stark
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Simply matching


will match if both an opening, and a closing parentheses are present. (Parentheses need to be escaped since it's a special character in regex.) .* matches anything, including an empty string.

But I assume you'd want to allow strings without any parentheses as well. This regex allows for any number of pairs of parentheses (not nested) or none at all:


It matches start of string ^, a string of any length not containing parentheses [^()]*. Then any number of the combination 1. Opening P(arentheses) 2. Any length string w/o P's. 3. A closing P. 4. Any length string w/o P's. (Possibly repeated any number of times.) Finally it matches end of string $.

Working example (Type an expression into the input control, and press Enter.):

var inputExpression = document.getElementById("expression");

function testExpression(){
    console.log(inputExpression.value.match(/^[^()]*(?:\([^()]*\)[^()]*)*$/) ? "Well formed" : "Unbalanced parentheses");
//    inputExpression.value = '';

inputExpression.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {
Enter an expression:<input id="expression" type="text" onBlur="testExpression()"/>
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