I'm currently making a Chrome/Firefox Extension, and the extension needs to make a BLE Mesh Network using the computer's Bluetooth capabilities. Is this possible is Pure JS, or do you have to use Browserify to get Node.JS working on a chrome extention and use the AnyMesh Library. Is it not possible at all? Please help

  • There are tutorials on basic bluetooth access ([example](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/07/interact-with-ble-devices-on-the-web)). Anyway, you can't run node.js **inside** extension or browser because it's a separate application just like the browser itself. – wOxxOm Mar 04 '18 at 21:31
  • So I would have to create my own Mesh Networking library? There has to be a library for vanilla JS that allows me to create a Mesh Network. Any Ideas? I just really don't want to put in the extra effort if there's already a library, you feel me? – Kevin Walsh Mar 04 '18 at 22:03

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