i have no idea with my solution, then i am trying to ask here, maybe someone can help me.

my problem was need and API Link like http://localhost:8080/api/functionA to access or use Function in DLL file.

but i have no idea and i don't know if PHP can access DLL file or not. or maybe i can to it with JAVA?

if can, how?

i tried to read this question, but it still not help me

maybe someone ever face issue like me ?

Konrad Borowski
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1 Answers1


it depends on the dll you require. but this can be done in following way

First, you need to register the dll with windows, use the following command in the terminal/Command Prompt

REGSVR32 YourDLL.dll

Then from your PHP code

$dll = new COM(‘YourDLL.Functions’);

YourDLL is the dll name an/or id and Functions is the object inside the dll that you can use, now $dll holds the dll functions

Now we can simply call the method inside the dll

$input = ‘Do some stuff on this’;
$output = $dll->DoStuffToString($input);
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