I want to know if there is a simple and clean way, like a method of sorts, of accesing an object property of a certain object even touhg this property could be null, that, in consecuence, this may throw a null pointer exception, and, if it is null, then do some other thing.

For example, I have my car object., that has two properties, Window, and Door., each one, Its an Object property.

Dim WCar = new Car with {.Door = new Door with {.Color = black}}

new Mgbox(WCar.Door.ToString & _
      WCar.Window.ToString) -> This may throw a null pointer exception.

(I do not own the class of the entity itself, and either know if this is safely coded in the constructor of the entity)

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2 Answers2


You can use the null-conditional operator:


If Window is Nothing this won't throw a NullReferenceException anymore, but ToString will return Nothing instead. If WCar could also be Nothing:

Tim Schmelter
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Maybe you can try to inherit the class and create your own setter and getter and validate if the property is null

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