I forgot to use amend commit, and I created second commit in remote branch with same name.

4effxgg ISSUE-434
f45fsfg ISSUE-434

Is any simple way how to fix that and create one commit? Thanks.

Denis Stephanov
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3 Answers3


Use git rebase -i <branch> (interactive); squash one and pick the other.

Remember to specify the branch you're rebasing onto.


As pointed out by John Zwinck, pick the earliest commit and squash the later commits.

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use git rebase -i (interactive git rebase).

In your case, you can do the following:

git rebase -i 4effxgg

It will open this page:

pick 4effxgg ISSUE-434
pick f45fsfg ISSUE-434

change the 2nd pick to f, like the following:

pick 4effxgg ISSUE-434
f f45fsfg ISSUE-434

Then save the page. It will merge the 2 commits. Here is a tutorial you can refer to.

Pankaj Singhal
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  • I do that ... locally I have just one commit with all changes .. but when I try push it to remote I got message everything up to date and changes aren't reflected on remote repository – Denis Stephanov Feb 16 '18 at 11:32
  • It shouldn't happen. If it's saying that everything is up-to-date, it probably is. It might be that you are looking at a diff place and pushing at a diff place. Try checking that. – Pankaj Singhal Feb 16 '18 at 11:54
  • @DenisStephanov why did you un-accept the answer? – Pankaj Singhal Feb 16 '18 at 12:03

you may run git reset HEAD~2. This will effectively checkout the commit before these 2 commits while keeping the changes you made in these 2 commits(as unstaged). from here you may git add . and git commit -m'your new message'.

The tricky thing is with synching the remote. If you are working on a feature branch that only you work on then you may git push --force without any troubles. On the other hand if you are working on a branch together with other people that may have already pulled these 2 commits that you previously pushed to the remote, than the safe thing to do is just leave it like that, don't fix this "2 commits mistake" and don't cause anyone any additional problem.

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