I am using the following code to benchmark my script.

C:\Users\blueray>echo %time% & timeout /t 5 & echo %time%


... after 5 seconds

I was expecting to have a 5 second increment when I echo %time% for the second time. What is the problem here and what is the solution?

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3 Answers3


A workaround

(for /F "delims=" %x in ('echo ^%time^%') do echo %x )& timeout /t 2 &(for /F "delims=" %x in ('echo ^%time^%') do echo %x)
Nahuel Fouilleul
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  • Running each `echo %time%` in a background command process started by __FOR__ using `cmd.exe /C`, capturing their outputs by __FOR__ and output the captured time output in current command process seems to be a quite difficult to use and understand workaround although working fine. There are easier solutions as I wrote in my answer on this question. – Mofi Feb 06 '18 at 11:27

Windows command interpreter first preprocesses/parses the entire command line before execution. During this preprocessing all environment variable references in the form %variable% are expanded so that in your case the command line really executed is:

echo 13:44:44.64   & timeout /t 5   & echo 13:44:44.64

It is necessary to force a delayed expansion of the environment variables.

Usually delayed expansion is used in a batch file like this:

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo !TIME! & timeout /t 5 & echo !TIME!

Or on specifying executable TIMEOUT with fully qualified file name and using immediate environment variable expansion on first TIME reference while using delayed expansion on second TIME reference:

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo %TIME% & %SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /t 5 & echo !TIME!

But there is a second method to get a delayed environment variable expansion in a batch file by using the command CALL.

echo %TIME% & %SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /t 5 & call echo %%TIME%%

This command line in batch file results in executing finally the command line:

echo 13:44:44.64   & C:\Windows\System32\timeout.exe /t 5   & call echo %TIME%

The command CALL results in a second parsing of echo %TIME% before executing second ECHO resulting in getting output time about 5 seconds later than first time output.

In a command prompt window a different command line is required due to different interpreting of % in comparison to batch file processing.

echo %TIME% & timeout /t 5 & call echo ^%TIME^%

The percent sign characters are escaped with caret character ^ to be first interpreted as literal characters to finally execute call echo %TIME%. In real it is enough to escape just second % while escaping just first % has not the wanted effect on time output. So working in a command prompt window as expected is also:

echo %TIME% & timeout /t 5 & call echo %TIME^%

But not working as expected in a command prompt window is:

echo %TIME% & timeout /t 5 & call echo ^%TIME%
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  • The code works fine but I did not understand the last part. Why ^%TIME^% and %TIME^% works but ^%TIME% dont – blueray Feb 06 '18 at 12:21
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    @blueray I asked that myself too. I don't have a real explanation. I think the character `^` is simply just ignored and removed from command line by `cmd.exe` __after__ expanding the environment variable references according to answer on [How does the Windows Command Interpreter (CMD.EXE) parse scripts?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4094699/) So `^%TIME%` does not work because `^` is in real ignored because not really escaping `%` and so `%TIME%` is expanded first. Later `^` is removed from the command line. On usage of `%TIME^%` the environment variable expansion first fails. – Mofi Feb 06 '18 at 14:13

Once the command line is read, %time% is changed to its value and then the command is executed.

All env args %arg% change before command line execution.

In script: When the script is read it executes line after line. In that case your value will be different.

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