I have automated the process of accessing VBA Macros, from R, using Openxlsx and RDCOMClient packages. Below is the code:


OpenExcel_5param <- function(directory,filename, MacroName, param1, param2, 
param3,param4, param5)

 # Open a specific workbook in Excel:
   data <- paste(c(directory,'/',filename,'.xlsm'), collapse = '')
   xlApp <- COMCreate("Excel.Application")
   xlWbk <- xlApp$Workbooks()$Open(data)

 # this line of code might be necessary if you want to see your spreadsheet:
   xlApp[['Visible']] <- TRUE 
   xlApp$Run(MacroName,param1,param2, param3, param4, param5)

 # Close the workbook and quit the app:

 # Release resources:
   rm(xlWbk, xlApp)

Code to access this function:

OpenExcel_5param(Common_folder,VBA_CodeFileName,"ConsumptionValidation.MARM",r_extracts,"1. UniqueUPC_Nielsen",10000,original_files,"MARM")

When I run the code, I get the following error:

Error in .COM(x, name, ...) :

When I ran the code for the first time, it worked fine. From second time onward, it started giving me this error. Same code is working just fine on a different computer. On a third computer, it works fine if I keep the excel file open, but on my computer not working at all. I have tried different version of R, but did not help.

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