
I need to write a function which will clean my array (array 1) :

"yellow pants","black jeans","blue sweater"

From colors, which I keep in array 2.


I am iterating over my array 1st and would like a function to clean it from values stacked in array 2

Previously I just defined

function clear(a)
  var pattern = /[*,()-.;#&^@?]/g;
  var cleared = a.replace(pattern ,'');  
  return cleared;                                              

, where "a" was an element of array 1. But now my "pattern" is multiple string array.

How do I do that using replace() or other function?

I am not comparing 2 arrays at once... I need to compare one element from 1st array with all of the elements from 2nd one. Bet that's not the duplicate of the posted question...

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2 Answers2


The following bit of code will go through each item, checking it against all of the colours. It will then remove the colour from the text and add it to a cleaned item array. It will need a bit more tweaking for functionality if needed. For instance, it currently only adds items that are matched with a colour.

let items = ["yellow pants", "black jeans", "blue sweater"];
let colours = ["yellow", "black", "blue"];
let cleanedItems = [];

Array.prototype.forEach.call(items, (item) => {
  for (var i = colours.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (item.includes(colours[i])) {
      cleanedItems.push(item.replace(colours[i], "").trim());


Result of console.log(cleanedItems) is as follows;

(3) ["pants", "jeans", "sweater"]
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Loop ver yor arrays using either the forEach function or a for-loop vanilla Javascript.

var array1 = ["yellow pants", "black jeans", "blue sweater"];

var array2 = ["yellow", "black", "blue"];

array1.forEach((phrase, idx) => {

  function replace(p) {
    for (let i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) {
      let color = array2[i];
      if (p.indexOf(`${color} `) > -1) {
        return p.replace(color, "").trim();

    return p;

  array1[idx] = replace(array1[idx]);

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