I am getting more than 10000 records from back-end in Angular premise call. I am using Premise to call API method in service and subscribe the same in component and getting too much records as a result set.

The problem is that my UI can't handle this much records and as a result browser gets hanged totally. So can any one tell me how to handle such a situation ?

This is my sample code in which I am getting more than 10000 records.

this.myService.getData(this.mongodbQuery).then((data: any) => {
    if(data.operation == "SUCCESS"){
      if(data.data === "]")
        that.toastr.warning("No results found, please refine your conditions!","Report");
        that.reportResult = JSON.parse(that.stringifyJson(data));
      that.toastr.warning("Data size is larger, please refine your conditions!","Report"); // Here it doesn't give me result because records are more than 10000
    that.toastr.warning("Data size is larger, please refine your conditions!","Report");
  that.toastr.warning("Data size is larger, please refine your conditions!","Report");
Pushkar Rathod
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  • I would suggest you to go with lazy load / infinite scroll or pagination – ShadowFoOrm Jan 22 '18 at 16:49
  • There is absolutely no reason to display 10000 records on the screen at once, a human cannot process that much information and do anything useful with it. Split it into pages and retrieve a fixed number of records per page (maybe 100). If you wanted you could add sorting and/or filtering as well. – Igor Jan 22 '18 at 16:53
  • @ShadowFoOrm Need to think on Pagination or Lazy loading side. Any link or reference example would be appreciated in Angular 4. – Pushkar Rathod Jan 22 '18 at 17:47
  • @PushkarRathod there are plenty plugins on the web. You will have to chose which one to use. I would recommend Material for Angular but you can use anything else like https://github.com/orizens/ngx-infinite-scroll. Or build your own function. – ShadowFoOrm Jan 23 '18 at 11:36

3 Answers3


Thank you for your all inputs. Following way I achieved this.

Data Grid Code

 <div class="panel-body" style="overflow-y:scroll;height:20em;width:100%;"
        <table class="table table-hover table-striped table-sortable">
                  <th *ngFor="let column of columns" >
              <tr *ngFor="let row of reportResult">                      
                  <td *ngFor="let column of columns">

TypeScript Code

reportResult = [];
responseResult = [];
isFinished = false;

onScroll () {
    if(!this.isFinished) {
      const condition = this.dbQuery + '.skip(' + this.reportResult.length + ').limit(100)';

const that = this;

    this.reportService.getReportData(qry).then((data: any) => {
      this.isPageValid = true;
        if(data.operation == "SUCCESS"){
          if(data.data === "]")
            that.toastr.warning("No results found, please refine your conditions!","Report");
            that.responseResult = JSON.parse(that.stringifyJson(data));

            if(that.responseResult.length < 100) { that.isFinished = true; }
            for(let i = 0; i < that.responseResult.length; i++) {
        } else {
          that.toastr.warning("Data size is larger, please refine your conditions!","Report");
        that.toastr.warning("Data size is larger, please refine your conditions!","Report");
      that.toastr.warning("Data size is larger, please refine your conditions!","Report");
    });  }  

Also this link was helpful to use infiniteScroll.

Angular 4 with ngx infinite scroll

Pushkar Rathod
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You can use a third party library that can help you with, and I recommend using ag-grid for Angular 2/4/5/X


And for your example, in order to be able to load 100000 rows, you can use what they call "infinite-scrolling"
Example and Details here:

You can use a third party library that can help you with, and I recommend using ag-grid for Angular 2/4/5/X

npm install ng-grid


I also, would recommend not using jQuery in your Angular App.

Nadhir Falta
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Well, could you use pagination? If the API that you are requesting has support for it (and probably it does), you could request fewer records at a time. When using a pagination or an infinite loader to show only these smaller chunks of data.

No one is able to analyze 10000 records at one time (no a human at least), so makes a lot of sense to split this records into small parts and filtering on user interest demand.

  • Yes you are correct so also I am thinking to develop pagination or lazy load. And from UI we have passing mongo query to API so it's not possible to ask for pagination at API side. – Pushkar Rathod Jan 22 '18 at 17:45