I was watching tutorial about functions. And there is an example

function Car(){
this.running = false
Car.prototype.start = function(){
    this.running = true
Car.prototype.stop = function(){
    this.running = false

var c = new Car()
c.running // false
c.start // true
c.running // true

but there is another way of doing the same thing

function Car(){
    this.running = false;
    this.start = function(){
        this.running = true
    this.stop = function(){
        this.running = false

var c = new Car()
c.running // false
c.start // true
c.running // true


  1. what is pros and cons of using prototypes compared to methods?
  2. when should we avoid/use prototypes?
  3. when should we avoid/use methods?
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  • I think your terminology is a bit off. A method is an object property that is a function - no matter whether this property is an object's own property or a property of the object's prototype. – le_m Jan 21 '18 at 19:31

2 Answers2


Ideally, whenever you want to share properties among multiple instances of a type, you make use of the prototype. In your first example

function Car() {
  this.running = false
Car.prototype.start = function() {
  this.running = true
Car.prototype.stop = function() {
  this.running = false

var c = new Car()
var d = new Car()
var e = new Car()
console.log(c.__proto__ === d.__proto__) //true
c.running // false
c.start // true
c.running // true

Here prototype object will remain same for c, d and e, Hence you are saving runtime memory consumption as you are reusing same functions for all the three, but with different context.

In your second example

function Car(){
    this.running = false;
    this.start = function(){
        this.running = true
    this.stop = function(){
        this.running = false

var c = new Car() // check comparing  c.__proto__ ===  d.__proto__
var d =  new Car()
var e = new Car()
c.running // false
c.start // true
c.running // 

Here c, d, e will have their own copy of function, Consuming more memory!! Ideally, one should think about reusability while designing such objects. prototype way seems to better and performant than method way.

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  1. Prototypes are faster and cheaper in terms of performance and memory usage. In the first example when you call new Car() JavaScript create only 1 object with 1 boolean property. All instances of Car class shares the same methods from its prototype (methods are not duplicated and reference the same memory address, carA.start === carB.start). In the second example, each time you call new Car() you create new functions (different addresses in memory). Each instance has own references to methods (they are not strictly equal, carA.start !== carB.start)

  2. Use methods when you need to implement encapsulation with closures ( I would recommend to use Symbols instead). In all other cases prefer prototypes.

y the way, lookup for property/method by prototype chain is much faster then lookup for closure in V8

  1. Look #2
Sergii Stotskyi
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