I am using Semantic-UI in my create-react-app project. I am using a custom theme to modify individual components using ThemeProvider, which is working well. However I am trying to figure out how to modify the less variables as described in the semantic-ui documentation

The react semantic-ui documentation doesn't offer much on this. Any advise?

My Index.js looks roughly like this:

import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'
import mainTheme from './themes/mainTheme'

  <ThemeProvider theme={mainTheme}>
    <App />

Edit: to be specific on what I am trying to achieve, I want to change the main font used.

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5 Answers5


Looking over the docs you could basically have a globals folder in your theme folder which contains two optional files: site.variables and site.overrides. I assume you could override the @font variable in said site.overrides.

You can see an example of site.variables here.

Daniel Andrei
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  • Thanks for the answer, I got the part that I can use the site.overrides file to modify the site.variables. I just don't get how to set it up so it takes my custom site.overrides file when building... – Zumo Jan 22 '18 at 16:42
  • I believe you have to change the site variable from your theme.config to match the theme you want – Daniel Andrei Jan 22 '18 at 16:55
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    What I meant is, let's say I create a theme.config or site.variables file, where do I tell my built to use this custom file? Can you show an example of the file in which this is specified? (is this in index.js, added to the code I pasted above, or somewhere else?) – Zumo Jan 23 '18 at 10:34

The short answer... I don't think you can.

Since you are importing the .css file here directly, you are using the compiled stylesheet, so less variables will do you no good. I see one of two ways to solve this issue.

1) Create your own less stylesheet that then imports this libraries' less files. I don't recommend this option since you aren't already using less.

2) Override the font yourself in your own stylesheet. Since you're using styled components, you can use the injectGlobal option to achieve this.

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EDIT: You can use semantic-ui package for this. https://react.semantic-ui.com/usage#semantic-ui-package

Install the full Semantic UI package. Semantic UI includes Gulp build tools so your project can preserve its own theme changes, allowing you to customise the style variables.

Detailed documentation on theming in Semantic UI is provided here.

$ npm install semantic-ui --save-dev

After building the project with Gulp, you'll need to include the minified CSS file in your index.js file:

import '../semantic/dist/semantic.min.css';

Other approaches: One way is to have a theme config as part of your project and have semantic-ui probably in forked git repo and use this config to run a custom build command similar to https://semantic-ui.com/introduction/build-tools.html.

Workflow would be like this. Run gulp build-new(in forked semantic-ui repo) which takes say argument for theme.config path(pointing to your react projects theme path) and places into forked repo then runs gulp build generating themed css. you can have the task to even replace complied css into your react project.

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I came across this tutorial to use a custom theme using sematnic UI and CRA which outlines this process perfectly. It is quiet long process so I'll leave it with just the link.

Here is the link to the Github repo of the tutorial.

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Check out the official boilerplate, it contains the preconfigured environment with Webpack3 and examples of theming that follow theming guide.

Oleksandr Fediashov
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