How To Instantiate a java.util.ArrayList with Generic Class Using Reflection? I am writing a method that sets java.util.List on target object. A target object and a generic type of list is knowing in runtime:

public static void initializeList(Object targetObject, PropertyDescriptor prop, String gtype) {
    try {
        Class clazz = Class.forName("java.util.ArrayList<"+gtype+">");
        Object newInstance = clazz.newInstance();
        prop.getWriteMethod().invoke(targetObject, newInstance);
    } catch (Exception e) {
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6 Answers6


An object doesn't know about its generic type at execution time. Just create a new instance of the raw type (java.util.ArrayList). The target object won't know the difference (because there isn't any difference).

Basically Java generics is a compile-time trick, with metadata in the compiled classes but just casting at execution time. See the Java generics FAQ for more information.

Jon Skeet
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  • just for not creating duplicate answers, using reflection is just like doing `new ArrayList()` because a "generic class" is interpreted as an `Object` at runtime – Yanick Rochon Jan 27 '11 at 15:27

There's no need to do any reflection for creating your List. Just pass in some additional type information (usually done by passing a class of the correct type).

public static <T> List<T> createListOfType(Class<T> type) {
    return new ArrayList<T>();

Now you have a list of the required type you can presumably/hopefully set it directly on your targetObject without any reflection.

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Generics are a compile-time only "trick".

Reflection is runtime-only.

Basically, you can't - you can only create a "raw" ArrayList. If you need to pass it into methods that take generic parameters, casting it directly after construction will be safe (regardless of the "unchecked" warning). In this example, there's no compile-time type safety anyway due to using general Objects, so no casting is needed.

Andrzej Doyle
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    Generics is not completely a compile-time only thing. Concrete type parameters in field, method and class definitions are actually present in the bytecode and can be acquired at runtime via reflection. – Michael Borgwardt Jan 27 '11 at 15:29

Generics only work at compile time, therefore if you're using reflection, they won't be available.

See more about this here.

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An object doesn't know about its generic type at execution time. Just create a new instance of the raw type (java.util.ArrayList). The target object won't know the difference (because there isn't any difference).

ram singh
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Generics is largely a compile time feature. What you are trying to do is the same as

public static void initializeList(Object targetObject, PropertyDescriptor prop, String gtype) {
    prop.getWriteMethod().invoke(targetObject, new ArrayList());

Note: This could change with Types in Java 7.

Peter Lawrey
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