I have little problem here. I'm trying to get all the ScriptableObjects (named "InteractibleObjects") from Assets/Resources/InteractibleObjects and put them to the Dictionary (named "allInteractibleObjects"), but Unity throws NullReferenceExeption on line with "Adding 'objectToAdd' to the 'allInteractibleObjects' Dictionary"). There is my code:

using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {

public Dictionary<int, InteractibleObject> allInteractibleObjects;

public string[] allInteractibleObjetsNames;

void Start()
    allInteractibleObjetsNames = Directory.GetFiles ("Assets/Resources/InteractibleObjects/", "*.asset")
       .ToArray();// Getting files names

    for (int i = 0; i < allInteractibleObjetsNames.Length; i++) 
        allInteractibleObjetsNames[i] = allInteractibleObjetsNames[i].Remove (allInteractibleObjetsNames[i].Length - 6);// Removing '.asset' from names
        Object objectInFolder = Resources.Load("InteractibleObjects/" + allInteractibleObjetsNames[i]);// Finding 'InteractibleObjects' by the name from 'allInteractibleObjetsNames'
        InteractibleObject objectToAdd = (InteractibleObject)objectInFolder;// From 'Object' to 'InteractibleObject'
        allInteractibleObjects.Add (i, objectToAdd);// Adding 'objectToAdd' to the 'allInteractibleObjects' Dictionary

What should I do?

Camilo Terevinto
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