Hello everyone,

I'm trying to show different pdfs from dataTable but that's impossible

My goal: Show the pdf associated with the item in the table

The problem: When I click for the first time on a pdf that I want to show, it actually renders, but when I want to see another pdf it always shows the first one that I select.

If I start everything for the first time, and if I click in the last item, shown that:

enter image description here

If I want to show the third pdf, it shows:

enter image description here

and the third pdf has a different document (I am very sure of that)

I have read this Display dynamic image from database with p:graphicImage and StreamedContent , but I have not been able to find the solution, because I use a dialog and I could not use a f param correctly

My Code XHTML:

        <p:dataTable var="documento" value="#{docController.obtenerDocumentos()}" 

                <f:facet name="header">
                    <h:outputText value="Acciones"/>
**here I send the document to be shown in the bean**
                        <p:commandButton styleClass="ui-priority-primary" icon="fa fas fa-eye" update=":visualizacion" action="#{visualizarDocumento.verDocumento(documento)}" value="Ver documento" onstart="PF('cargando').show()"  onsuccess="PF('cargando').hide()"/>                                                
                        <p:commandButton styleClass="ui-priority-primary" icon="fa fas fa-align-justify" action="#{docController.respuestaDocumento(documento)}" value="Ver respuestas"/>

        <p:dialog widgetVar="visualizarPDF" modal="true">
            <h:form id="visualizacion" >
                <p:media value="#{visualizarDocumento.streamedContent}" width="750" height="560" player="pdf" />


@Named(value = "visualizarDocumento")
public class VisualizarDocumentoController {
    private StreamedContent streamedContent;
    InformacionDocumento doc;

    public void verDocumento(InformacionDocumento documento) { 
        byte[] decode = Base64.getDecoder().decode(doc.getArchivo().getBase64());
        ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(decode);
        streamedContent = new DefaultStreamedContent(bis, "application/pdf");
        RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();

    public StreamedContent getStreamedContent() {
        return streamedContent;

    public void setStreamedContent(StreamedContent streamedContent) {
        this.streamedContent = streamedContent;

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1 Answers1


This occurs because the web client has cached the stream and only refresh it after some time.

Add attribute cache="false" in p:media element to force web client to reload the stream every time you refresh "visualizarPDF".

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