I want learn EF 6 CodeFirst to an Existing Database (SQLServer)

When I trying to run my project i got this error:


System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source


public ActionResult Index()
    var meetings = db.Meetings
        .OrderBy(e => e.StartDate)
        .Where(e => e.IsPublic)
        .Select(e => new MeetingViewModel()
                MeetingId = e.MeetingId,
                MeetingName = e.MeetingName,
                MeetingTypeName = e.MeetingType.Name,
                LocationName = e.MeetingLocation.Name,
                StartDate = e.StartDate,

    var upcomingMeetings = meetings.Where(e => e.StartDate > DateTime.Now);
    var passedMeetings = meetings.Where(e => e.StartDate <= DateTime.Now);
    return View(HomeIndex, new HomePageModel());

Page Model

public class HomePageModel
    public IEnumerable<MeetingViewModel> UpcommingMeetings { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<MeetingViewModel> PassedMeetings { get; set; }


@model AquaEvent.Common.HomePageModel
<div class="row">
    @if (Model.UpcommingMeetings.Any())
        @Html.DisplayFor(x => x.UpcommingMeetings)

connectioString is EF AutoGenerator without changing

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1 Answers1


You are not passing the collections in the model and UpcommingMeetings causes null exception error in the view;

var upcomingMeetings = meetings.Where(e => e.StartDate > DateTime.Now);
var passedMeetings = meetings.Where(e => e.StartDate <= DateTime.Now);
return View(HomeIndex, new HomePageModel()
    UpcommingMeetings = upcomingMeetings,
    PassedMeetings = passedMeetings
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  • Thank you, I lost 5h of my time for this, I looking for a error in my Db migration. because all of similar quiz linked me to it. Thank you! – hitasp Jan 03 '18 at 12:41