The code below is related to batch files (command prompt). My problem is the part of the code that says current value is %~1 doesn't actually display the value of %~1 (I would like it to say string01 or string02) am not too sure how to do this. I have looked around but cannot wrap my head around this simple problem.

@echo off 
goto :MainFunction 

echo Running Func01 
echo Variable %~1 current value is %~1 
echo Set new value for Variable %~1: 
set /p %~1= 
goto :eof 

echo This is the main function! 
set Var01=string01 
set var02=string02 
echo Var01 is equal to %Var01% 
echo Var02 is equal to %Var02% 
call :Func01 Var01 
call :Func01 Var02 
echo Var01 is now equal to %Var01% 
echo Var02 is now equal to %Var02% 
goto :eof 
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  • try with `call :Func01 "%Var01%"` – npocmaka Jan 02 '18 at 09:46
  • hi npocmaka, I tired that but that gives "Variable string01 current value is string01" which is a problem because I need it to say "Variable Var01 current value is string01". – James Jan 02 '18 at 09:53

2 Answers2


You want to get both the variable name and the value in a single parameter?

In the line echo Variable %~1 current value is %~1 , the second %~1 has to evaluated. Sou need another layer of parsing. The "usual" way to do so, is to use delayed expansion:

@echo off 
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
goto :MainFunction 

echo Running Func01 
echo Variable %~1 current value is !%~1! 
echo Set new value for Variable %~1: 
set /p %~1= 
goto :eof 

echo This is the main function! 
set Var01=string01 
set var02=string02 
echo Var01 is equal to %Var01% 
echo Var02 is equal to %Var02% 
call :Func01 Var01 
call :Func01 Var02 
echo Var01 is now equal to %Var01% 
echo Var02 is now equal to %Var02% 
goto :eof 
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  • thanks Stephan seemed to do the trick. going to go research about "setlocal enabledelayedexpansion" – James Jan 02 '18 at 10:19
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    @JimmyWilliams The help of command __SET__ output on running in a command prompt window `set /?` explains usage of delayed environment variable expansion on an __IF__ and a __FOR__ example. See also [delayed expansion](https://ss64.com/nt/delayedexpansion.html). But please note that with delayed environment variable expansion being enabled a not escaped exclamation mark `!` is interpreted not anymore as literal character in a command line, but as begin/end of an environment variable reference. For that reason `!` in line `echo This is the main function!` is not output anymore. `^^!` is needed. – Mofi Jan 02 '18 at 10:26
  • @JimmyWilliams For help on commands __SETLOCAL__ and __ENDLOCAL__ run in a command prompt window `setlocal /?` and `endlocal /?` and read additionally second half of [this answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/38676582/3074564) for details about those two commands. – Mofi Jan 02 '18 at 10:31

Another method is using command CALL to get a double parsing of a command line as shown below:

@echo off
goto :MainFunction

echo Running Func01
call echo Variable %~1 current value is %%%~1%%
set /P "%~1=Set new value for Variable %~1: "
goto :EOF

echo This is the main function!
set "Var01=string01"
set "var02=string02"
echo Var01 is equal to %Var01%
echo Var02 is equal to %Var02%
call :Func01 Var01
call :Func01 Var02
echo Var01 is now equal to %Var01%
echo Var02 is now equal to %Var02%
goto :EOF

The command line

call echo Variable %~1 current value is %%%~1%%

is first modified before running CALL by Windows command interpreter for example on first execution of subroutine Func01 to

call echo Variable Var01 current value is %Var01%

On parsing this command line a second time on running CALL the command line changes to:

echo Variable Var01 current value is string01

The character % must be escaped with one more % to be interpreted as literal character in a batch file which is the reason for the strange looking syntax %%%~1%%.

And take a look on DosTips forum topic ECHO. FAILS to give text or blank line - Instead use ECHO/ for the explanation on using echo/ instead of echo. to output an empty line.

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