

As mentioned here,

HttpSession objects must be scoped at the application (or servlet context) level, where context is,

ServletContext context = request.getServletContext();


HttpSession object is created per browser session, in tomcat memory.


Am unable to relate above two points.

An application is collection of different servlets. A servlet spawn a thread per connection from every browser. Every jsp/servlet points to a version of session object that the browser points to.

How can a session object that is created per browser gets scoped at web application level?

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1 Answers1


Session(or session id) is generated at server and transfer to browser through cookie or URL rewriting(when cookie is banned in browser).

In general, a session id is generated while user access the website. And after logging in, the server will change the session id for safety issues.

Session expired when:

(1)call session.invalidate()

(2)timeout configuration:


(3)Server restart(while the sessionid is saved in local cache)

Hash Jang
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