For AWS CLI i need to install Python on my Linux Server.

After i do the following:

wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.4/Python-3.6.4.tgz
tar xf Python-3.6.4.tgz
cd Python-3.6.4

I get a lot of the same errors

./configure.lineo: line 472: expr: command not found

Some can help me to find a solution?

I also tried diffrent Version of Python2 and Python 3, but none worked and gave me the same error.

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1 Answers1


expr is mostly always present in /usr/bin... There could be a problem with the PATH environment variable. This post may be helpful: expr command not found? Why is expr not found but everything else is?

  • i went threw it before i asked my question, but since im not setting any PATH i have a hard time to find the answer which is helping me in my case – sHamann Dec 22 '17 at 16:39
  • what happens if you type `whereis expr`? – Daniel Alvarez-Torres Dec 22 '17 at 17:49
  • Something is wrong with the OS user config. It seems that the PATH variable is not set or wrongly set. Is yours a new install? did you created the user manually? type `echo $PATH` to inspect it. You should at least see something like:`/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin` I would take a look to the `.bashrc` file on the user's home directory, it could be that the file permissions are wrong, the file does not exist... – Daniel Alvarez-Torres Dec 22 '17 at 21:09
  • Is it important to know that i only access the Server via ssh? – sHamann Dec 22 '17 at 23:39
  • i finally could test ist i got on the `echo $PATH` the answer `/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin` – sHamann Jan 03 '18 at 08:50