di< and di> are not working for me in either Visual Studio Code (Vim mode) or in MacVim.

di( and di{ and di[ are all working fine.

I've tried it with both my usual Finnish keyboard layout and with an English keyboard layout. No success with either.

Should this work straight out of the box, or am I going to have to customise my Vim to get it working?

My setup

  • macOS Sierra – Version 10.12.6
  • MacVim Custom Version 8.0.1376 (but completely uncustomised by me)
  • Visual Studio Code 1.19.1

Update – Partial fix

This extension for Visual Studio Code https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbankier.vscode-quick-select lets you select between angle brackets when in Vim insert mode. Not ideal as it's not a Vim solution, but it works well, and actually works great in conjunction with Visual Studio Code's multicursor.

Daniel Clarke
  • 29
  • 1
  • 4

1 Answers1


Okay, I worked out the answer. I was actually trying to delete text between an opening and closing HTML tag, so hello world from here:

<div>hello world</div>

I should have used dit as explained here: Delete text in between HTML tags in vim?

Daniel Clarke
  • 29
  • 1
  • 4
  • Lesson to learn: if I'm having a problem and I can't find the answer already on SO, it's quite likely that I've just made a silly mistake myself, as happened here. – Daniel Clarke Dec 22 '17 at 07:46