I've seen sagas listening for actions in 3 ways:

1. while(true) take()

function* onUserDetailsRequest() {
  while(true) {
    const { userId } = yield take(USER_DETAILS_REQUESTED);
    const response = yield call(fetchUserDetails, userId);
    put(USER_DETAILS_RECEIVED, response);

2. while(take())

function* onUserDetailsRequest() {
  while(yield take(USER_DETAILS_REQUESTED)) {
    const userId = yield select(userSelectorFn);
    const response = yield call(fetchUserDetails, userId);
    put(USER_DETAILS_RECEIVED, response);

3. takeEvery()

function* onUserDetailsRequest() {
  yield takeEvery(USER_DETAILS_REQUESTED, function* (action) {
    const { userId } = action;
    const response = yield call(fetchUserDetails, userId);
    put(USER_DETAILS_RECEIVED, response);

What are the pros and cons of each? And in which scenarios should we use one over another?

Uwe Keim
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Ali Saeed
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  • They dont do the same so its unneccessary to compare them. Choose the right tool for the right job, as always – Jonas Wilms Dec 20 '17 at 15:44
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    1 and 2 are the same. 3 is different, it processes 'USER_DETAILS_REQUESTED' concurrently. i.e., it can handle many actions simultaneously – AlexM Dec 21 '17 at 03:02
  • @AlexM Does `yield take(…)` never produce a falsy value? Also #2 takes an additional `select` call to access the `userId`, I doubt it does the same as #1. – Bergi Jun 21 '18 at 10:27
  • @Bergi you're right, the code has some differences. But I was talking about the approaches as a whole: `while(true) take()` vs `while(take())` vs. `takeEvery()` – AlexM Jun 22 '18 at 03:39

1 Answers1


To clearify @AlexM's answer with code.

cat test.js

const { createStore, applyMiddleware } =require('redux')
const createSagaMiddleware =require('redux-saga').default
const { takeEvery ,take,fork}=require('redux-saga/effects') 
const {delay} =require('redux-saga')
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
const reducer=(state=[],action)=>{return [...state,action.type];}
const store = createStore(
function* takeSaga() {
    const action=yield take('testTake')
    yield delay(1000)

function* takeEverySaga() {
    yield takeEvery('testTakeEvery',function* (action){
        yield delay(1000)

function* takeSagaWithFork() {
      const action=yield take('testTakeWithFork')
      yield fork(function*(){
        yield delay(1000)


const main=async ()=>{
    store.dispatch({type: 'testTake'})
    store.dispatch({type: 'testTake'})
    store.dispatch({type: 'testTakeEvery'})
    store.dispatch({type: 'testTakeEvery'})
    store.dispatch({type: 'testTakeWithFork'})
    store.dispatch({type: 'testTakeWithFork'})


run the above code with node test.js will output

{ type: 'testTake' }
{ type: 'testTakeEvery' }
{ type: 'testTakeEvery' }
{ type: 'testTakeWithFork' }
{ type: 'testTakeWithFork' }

Do you see the difference? The task of takeSaga is sleeping when the second testTake action dispatched therefore the takeSaga simply ignored the second testTake action. For takeEverySaga and takeSagaWithFork, however, a new task was forked everytime it recieved a testTakeEvery action, so they were sleeping in their own task "thread" and so new action won't get missed. Thus, takeEvery is essentially the same as while(true)+take+fork.

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  • Well explained with the code and console. I'd add that 2. is different from 1. in that it doesn't expose the action and it's payload – Ali Saeed Oct 18 '18 at 15:46