Our develop team frequently goes into network problem when visiting our website https://m.beta.joudou.com in our office. (Sometime it is quick, but it will happen for many times when it is slow which will add up to several hours.)

The Chrome devtools shows a very long initial connection when visiting our website's html.

enter image description here

We tried curl -v the page at the same time when the website is slow. It stucks after printing the line * TCP_NODELAY set.

10437 ± : curl -v https://m.beta.joudou.com                                 ⏎ [6d6h56m] ✹
* Rebuilt URL to: https://m.beta.joudou.com/
*   Trying
<--- The command stuck here for a very long time
* Connected to m.beta.joudou.com ( port 443 (#0)
* TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
* Server certificate: m.beta.joudou.com
* Server certificate: Symantec Basic DV SSL CA - G1
* Server certificate: VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: m.beta.joudou.com
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*

The problem has not yet be detected when outside our office, which means it only happens when we are using the network in our office. We have changed the TP-Link adapter and even have changed the ISP, the problem remains.

Are there any suggestions for me to detect the problem? Thanks very much.

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