
I have a block of HTML code


{{stock.C4}} has an output of None in the html cell. I want (maybe javascript?) code that basically says

 if {{stock.C4}} == 'None'
       element.style.backgroundColor = "red"

code that makes the cell a color based on the html/jinja value

  • You at least need brackets around the if condition – Jonas Wilms Dec 07 '17 at 06:23
  • [Loop through all the `td`s](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3065342/how-do-i-iterate-through-table-rows-and-cells-in-javascript) and check the `innerHTML` of each item. If that matches to 'None', then change its background. – 31piy Dec 07 '17 at 06:23
  • How does one check the innerHTML of {{stock.C4}}? – jessewerion Dec 07 '17 at 06:29
  • Seems to be duplication of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8666500/changing-background-cell-of-table-depending-on-value – bimlas Dec 07 '17 at 06:34
  • You might try something like this (assuming that you are using [Mustache](https://github.com/janl/mustache.js)) : `{{#stocks}}{{#isNone}}{{/isNone}}{{^isNone}}{{/isNone}}{{C4}}{{/stocks}}`. Of course, the`isNone` predicate is not provided, you have to implement it by yourself following the instructions given at Github. – leaf Dec 07 '17 at 06:54
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    @bimlas question is similar, maybe a corner case, but the solution may be different – Eineki Dec 07 '17 at 07:02

3 Answers3


If the content of the cell il really empty, you can add the rule

td:empty {
    background-color: red;

to your css (adapt the selector and the styles to your needs).

the :empty pseudoclass is supported since ie9 (no need to say that other browser support it from day zero). Also mobile support seems quite good.

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Use document.querySelectorAll to get all the td of a specific table, the use array#forEach to check if it is empty using innerHTML, if so use classList.add to add a css class to it

var getAllTD = document.querySelectorAll("#demoTable td");
getAllTD.forEach(function(item) {
  if (item.innerHTML === '') {

.empty {
  background: green;
<table border="1" id="demoTable">
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  • Error: { "message": "Object doesn't support property or method 'forEach'", "filename": "https://stacksnippets.net/js", "lineno": 29, "colno": 1 } – jessewerion Dec 07 '17 at 06:55
  • It seems you are trying to apply forEach on a non array – brk Dec 07 '17 at 06:57

Here is a possible solution using Mustache (that requires to change your data structure) :

var stocks = [
  ["A1", "A2", "None"],
  ["None", "B2", "B3"],
  ["C1", "None", "C3"]

var view = {
  stocks: stocks,
  isNone: function () {
    return this == "None";

var template = ""
+ "{{#stocks}}"
+   "<tr>"
+     "{{#.}}"
+       "{{#isNone}}<td class=\"none\">{{.}}</td>{{/isNone}}"
+       "{{^isNone}}<td>{{.}}</td>{{/isNone}}"
+     "{{/.}}"
+   "</tr>"
+ "{{/stocks}}"

var table = document.getElementById("table");
table.innerHTML = Mustache.render(template, view);
table,td{border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;}
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mustache.js/2.3.0/mustache.min.js"></script>
<table id="table"></table>
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