I'm trying to understand a large code base. I need ctags to generate some tags so that I can jump to the function definition with ctrl + ].

Unfortunately, after running ctags -R * in the source diretory where some python script files resides, then vi open the python script, then cursor on which I want to jump to definition of, but all prompts E426: tag not found.

I tried creating a ~/.vimrc file, and adding set tags=~/Downloads/fast-rcnn/tools/tags, but still does not work, and when I open the generated tags file in the directory, seems only have tens of lines.

Can someone help me?

jeff porter
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1 Answers1


turns out that set tags=~/Downloads/fast-rcnn/tools/tags missing colon :, adding it solve the problem, and follow the advice of Vim and Ctags tips and tricks I change it to :set tags=./tags;/

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