For my company I have to migrate all our company repositories from Github to our self hosted Gitlab-Server.

The main problem I have is that we use Git-LFS for the most of our repositories.

Therefore when cloning a repository I have to repair the Git-LFS by running

git lfs fetch --all
git lfs push remoteOnGitlab

I'm writing on a script for that - since it are a lot of repositories - using the Github API to work off a list of all our repositories:


###_Adjust those_#######################################################

# maxRepoCount is needed if the organisation has more than 30 repos
# otherwise only the first 30 repos would be mirrored


###_Get Sensible Data at runtime_###
bold=$(tput bold)
normal=$(tput sgr0)
echo -n "${bold}Github Username: ${normal}"
read -e githubName
echo -n "${bold}Github Password: ${normal}"
read -e -s githubPassword
echo ""
echo -n "${bold}Gitlab Username: ${normal}"
read -e gitlabName
echo -n "${bold}Gitlab Password: ${normal}"
read -e -s gitlabPassword

###_Add folder for cloned git repos_###
mkdir gits

###_GET JSON of all REPOS from the Github API_###
# writes output to file test for later use
curl "$githubUrlStart${githubName//\"}:${githubPassword//\"}@${githubApiLink//\"}?per_page=${maxRepoCount//\"}" > test 

###_Get URLS and NAME_###
#  -> http://xmodulo.com/how-to-parse-json-string-via-command-line-on-linux.html #
NAMES=$(cat test | jq ".[] | .name");

###_Transform into Array_###

for name in $NAMES

###_Clone each repo local and use it to repair git lfs_###                                                                                            
for reponame in "${NAMES_ARRAY[@]}"                                                           
    ###_Build full link for cloning_###
    ###_Clone from github using git lfs_###
    git lfs clone "${fulllink//\"}" "gits/${reponame//\"}"
    ###_Enter folder of cloned repository_###                                                   
    cd "gits/${reponame//\"}"
    ###_repair git lfs_###
    # get lfs from github
    git lfs fetch --all
    # add the remote for gitlab
    git remote add gitlab "${gitlabRemote//\"}"
    # Just for security remove the github remote                                                  
    git remote remove origin                                                                  
    # Push lfs to the gitlab remote
    git lfs push gitlab --all                                                                 
    ##_leave folder!_##                                                                       
    cd ../..          #                                                                       
    ##_remove folder to save disk space_##                                                    
    rm -rf gits/${reponame//\"}

###_Remove the gits folder_####
rm -rf gits

My problem here:
It seems this works fine only once, but the repositories get not updated to the newest state if I run the script over them again. Also I'm not sure but I guess it will only work on the master branch so far.

What do I have to change in order to allways get the newest state of the git repo from github also on gitlab? (After running it I still have the state of from 2 months ago on Gitlab...)


I also have seen another solution here which apparently would handle the multibranch problem:

git clone --mirror path/to/original path/to/dest/.git
cd path/to/dest
git config --bool core.bare false
git checkout anybranch

which I probably also could combine with

git push --mirrow path/to/otherRemote

as mentioned there in the comments.

This would ofcourse be way simplier .. BUT:
Is this compatible with LFS? let's say e.g. as

git lfs clone --mirrow /originOnGithub /localFolder
cd /localFolder
git lfs fetch --all
git lfs push --mirrow /remoteOnGitlab
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The answer was: Yes it is!

But I had a very stupid typo: ofcourse it is --mirror not --mirrow

So now for each project a run

git lfs clone --mirror /originOnGithub /localFolder
cd /localFolder
git lfs fetch --all
git lfs push --mirror /remoteOnGitlab

and it repairs the LFS files AND updates all branches in the repository on the Gitlab-Server.

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