I have the following code in razor:

  @for (int i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++)
      using (Html.BeginForm("Bonnen", "Bon")) 
              <td> @Html.TextBoxFor(model => Model[i].Id)</td>
              <td>@Html.DisplayFor(model => Model[i].Date)</td>
              <td>@Html.DisplayFor(model => Model[i].Description)</td>
              <td><button type="submit" value="Details" class="btn btn-info">Details</button></td>

When i post the data to the controller it becomes empty. I've already seen a question where it said you can't use a foreach loop here. On the website itself it does show all the data, but it won't give it to the controller.


  public ActionResult Bonnen(Bon bon)
   return RedirectToAction("Details", "Bon", bon);


  public int Id { get; set; }
  public string Description { get; set; }
  public DateTime Date { get; set; }

4 Answers4


Your code needs to be inside the form and button type "submit" wont work. You need to use input type "submit". See code below:

  @using (Html.BeginForm("Bonnen", "Bon")) 
    @for (int i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++)
           <td> @Html.TextBoxFor(model => Model[i].Id)</td>
           <td>@Html.DisplayFor(model => Model[i].Date)</td>
           <td>@Html.DisplayFor(model => Model[i].Description)</td>
           <td><input type="submit" value="Details" class="btn btn-info"/></td>
  • 124
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 @using (Html.BeginForm("Bonnen", "Bon",FormMethod.Post)) 
    @foreach (var item in Model)
           <td> @Html.TextBoxFor(model => item.Id)</td>
           <td>@Html.DisplayFor(model =>  item.Date)</td>
           <td>@Html.DisplayFor(model =>  item.Description)</td>
    <input type="submit" value="Details" class="btn btn-info"/>

  public ActionResult Bonnen(int[] Id ,DateTime[] Date,string[] Description)
   return RedirectToAction("Details", "Bon", bon);
Farhad Bagherlo
  • 6,389
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Try the following code

@for (int i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++)
  using (Html.BeginForm("Bonnen", "Bon")) 
          <td> @Html.TextBox("Id", Model[i].Id)</td>
          <td>@Html.Display("Date", Model[i].Date)</td>
          <td>@Html.Display("Description", Model[i].Description)</td>
          <td><button type="submit" value="Details" class="btn btn-info">Details</button></td>

If you want the values of Date and Description too in controller then change them from Display to Editor.

Nitesh Kumar
  • 1,741
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managed to solve it with a foreach loop.

@using (Html.BeginForm())
 <input class="form-control" id="myInput" type="text" placeholder="Zoek..." />
 <br />
 <table style="width: 100%">
   @foreach (var item in Model)
     @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Id)
     @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Date)
     @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Description)
     @using (Html.BeginForm("Bon", "Bon", FormMethod.Post))
     @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", "Bon", new { id = item.Id }, null)