i am creating a survey app where user can create surveys, those surveys are stored in separate html files (example: 123.html), in order to be able to edit this file like add or remove textbox or checkbox... i read the file with cordova and put the contents in an iframe,what i am trying now is when user clicks in this iframe user should be able to edit the clicked element. however sometimes the click works and sometimes not. i have tried many different codes but none seems to be fine, when it works then on reloading the page it doesnt work anymore some sample code i already tried:

var q=$('#ifr2').contents(); console.log(q);


$(function(){ var r= $('#ifr2').contents().find("body");console.log(r);
    // alert(event.target.nodeName);});




var iframeBody = $('body', $('#ifr2').contentWindow.document);
$(iframeBody).on('click', 'h2', function(event) {

the first one and last one works only sometimes, so after reading alot of pages here and from google i decided it would be better to just put the content in a div instead of an iframe

<div id="test" style="border:1px solid black; padding:10px 10px 10px 10px; " data-role="none"></div>

putting the content into the div works but now there is an issue with the checkboxes and radiobuttons which come from the html file, they are not aligned, i tried to align them but also failed, take a look at the screens:

Iframe content looks good

div content doesnt look good

i also tried to align the labels for the chkboxes and radios like this:

function testf(){
    $('#test label').css({"float":"right"});


after seeing that the div content is kind of messed up, i copied the div content into another page just for testing and there it is aligned properly

for me it is not important if its a div or an iframe, important is that i can easily click in it for editing and that it is aligned properly when it is loaded.

the file content is the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2 style="text-align:center;">survey title</h2>
description <br>
<fieldset style="border:1px solid black"><legend><b>1</b></legend><p>question 1</p><textarea name="txtarea1"></textarea></fieldset><br>
<fieldset style="border:1px solid black"><legend><b>2</b></legend><p>radiobuttons </p>
<input id="radio1" name="radio1" type="radio"><label for="radio1">a</label><br>
<input id="radio2" name="radio1" type="radio"><label for="radio2">abcdefg</label><br>
<input id="radio3" name="radio1" type="radio"><label for="radio3">c</label><br></fieldset>
<fieldset style="border:1px solid black"><legend><b>3</b></legend><p>chkboxquestion</p>
<input id="chkbox1" name="chkbox1" type="checkbox"><label for="chkbox1">a</label><br>
<input id="chkbox2" name="chkbox1" type="checkbox"><label for="chkbox2">b</label><br>
<input id="chkbox3" name="chkbox1" type="checkbox"><label for="chkbox3">abcde</label><br></fieldset>
<hr id="hrid">
<input value="Abschicken" type="submit">


solved it by using the below code for changing the div css:

 $('#test :radio, :checkbox, label').css({"float":"left","line-height": "1.6em","height":"1.6em","margin":"0px 2px","padding":"0px"});
   $('#test :radio, :checkbox').css({"clear":"left"});

thanks to TheGr8_Nik from How to align checkboxes and their labels consistently cross-browsers

there is no need for an iframe now, div is better

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1 Answers1

$('#test :radio, :checkbox, label').css({"float":"left","line-height": "1.6em","height":"1.6em","margin":"0px 2px","padding":"0px"});
   $('#test :radio, :checkbox').css({"clear":"left"});

thanks to TheGr8_Nik

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