
How can I create a repo git and put it on github to go through the github website ?

I generate a reaction project with 'create-react-app' that I want to put on github

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    Possible duplicate of [Is it possible to create a remote repo on GitHub from the CLI without opening browser?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2423777/is-it-possible-to-create-a-remote-repo-on-github-from-the-cli-without-opening-br) – 1615903 Nov 08 '17 at 11:22

1 Answers1


Check out the handy-dandy Git 'Hub' tool.
https://hub.github.com/ and https://github.com/github/hub

After installing and configuring that Git add-on, from a local repo type:

$ git create me/my-project
# i.e. $ git create [org]/[repo]

To create a private repo:

$ git create -p me/my-private-project
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  • i have this error : "git: 'create' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. The most similar command is reset" – DenisMasot Nov 08 '17 at 10:44
  • If you didn't add the alias yet, try `$ hub create [org]/[repo]`. To create the alias, see the first section on this page: https://hub.github.com/ – jaswrks Nov 08 '17 at 11:37