Can someone explain a "tracking branch" as it applies to git?

Here's the definition from git-scm.com:

A 'tracking branch' in Git is a local branch that is connected to a remote branch. When you push and pull on that branch, it automatically pushes and pulls to the remote branch that it is connected with.

Use this if you always pull from the same upstream branch into the new branch, and if you don't want to use "git pull" explicitly.

Unfortunately, being new to git and coming from SVN, that definition makes absolutely no sense to me.

I'm reading through "The Pragmatic Guide to Git" (great book, by the way), and they seem to suggest that tracking branches are a good thing and that after creating your first remote (origin, in this case), you should set up your master branch to be a tracking branch, but it unfortunately doesn't cover why a tracking branch is a good thing or what benefits you get by setting up your master branch to be a tracking branch of your origin repository.

Can someone please enlighten me (in English)?

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    One terminology note: the word *track*, in Git, is very badly overloaded. Some files are *tracked* and some are *untracked;* some branch names are called *remote-tracking branches;* and you can use the `--track` option to create a (local) branch that has one of these remote-tracking branches set as its *upstream*. The terminology has evolved somewhat between 2006 and 2019, so different people *may* sometimes mean something different by each of these words. – torek Apr 19 '19 at 14:49
  • I personally recommend using the phrase *remote-tracking names* in place of *remote-tracking branches*, in part because the word *branch* is also rather overloaded. The remote-tracking names are the ones that look like `origin/master`: they're in your repository, but they are your Git's way of remembering *branch names* as seen in some *other* Git repository over at `origin`. If you then use the word *upstream*, which is the more modern term, to say that your `master` has `origin/master` set as its *upstream*, you can avoid all this terminology confusion. – torek Apr 19 '19 at 14:53
  • @torek, the term “remote-tracking branch” can’t be replaced by phrase remote-tracking names, as tracking branches have physical state, that can be be different from both local and remote branches – Michael Freidgeim Mar 08 '21 at 00:08
  • @MichaelFreidgeim: [A rose, by any other name ...](https://literarydevices.net/a-rose-by-any-other-name/) If you're concerned with the storage of a hash ID, you should realize that in Git, hash IDs are stored under *names*. Not just *branch* names, but *tag* names, `refs/stash`, bisect names, and other names: all of these store a hash ID. – torek Mar 08 '21 at 06:09

6 Answers6


The ProGit book has a very good explanation:

Tracking Branches

Checking out a local branch from a remote branch automatically creates what is called a tracking branch. Tracking branches are local branches that have a direct relationship to a remote branch. If you’re on a tracking branch and type git push, Git automatically knows which server and branch to push to. Also, running git pull while on one of these branches fetches all the remote references and then automatically merges in the corresponding remote branch.

When you clone a repository, it generally automatically creates a master branch that tracks origin/master. That’s why git push and git pull work out of the box with no other arguments. However, you can set up other tracking branches if you wish — ones that don’t track branches on origin and don’t track the master branch. The simple case is the example you just saw, running git checkout -b [branch] [remotename]/[branch]. If you have Git version 1.6.2 or later, you can also use the --track shorthand:

$ git checkout --track origin/serverfix
Branch serverfix set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/serverfix.
Switched to a new branch "serverfix"

To set up a local branch with a different name than the remote branch, you can easily use the first version with a different local branch name:

$ git checkout -b sf origin/serverfix
Branch sf set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/serverfix.
Switched to a new branch "sf"

Now, your local branch sf will automatically push to and pull from origin/serverfix.

BONUS: extra git status info

With a tracking branch, git status will tell you whether how far behind your tracking branch you are - useful to remind you that you haven't pushed your changes yet! It looks like this:

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)


$ git status
On branch dev
Your branch and 'origin/dev' have diverged,
and have 3 and 1 different commits each, respectively.
  (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)

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  • @JohnO, might want to take that up with the Pro Git guy. The whole book is a result of massive editing collaboration IIRC. – Assaf Lavie Jan 14 '11 at 20:03
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    @ JohnO, according to : https://www.sbf5.com/~cduan/technical/git/git-4.shtml --track is on by default and so is not necessary. – Hank Lin Nov 23 '18 at 18:55

Below are my personal learning notes on GIT tracking branches, hopefully it will be helpful for future visitors:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Tracking branches and "git fetch":

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

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  • Thanks for the notes! Would you mind sharing them all if possible? Thanks; – Aditya Jun 21 '20 at 04:05
  • @Aditya: This question is for tracking branches and I have posted all my notes on this topic. If I find some other relevant question where I can post my other GIT notes, then I will be happy to do so. – hagrawal Jun 22 '20 at 14:55
  • Thanks! What I meant was posting them on your blog or something :). Thanks again for nice notes! – Aditya Jun 22 '20 at 15:00
  • @Aditya: Ah, I see. Now you are clear on what you mean. I am running behind on my website, yet to create one for myself. – hagrawal Jun 22 '20 at 20:54
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    Your notes are useful, but consider to use text instead of images https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/303812/discourage-screenshots-of-code-and-or-errors/307500#307500 – Michael Freidgeim Mar 08 '21 at 00:34
  • The section titled "How to explicitly set remote tracking branch" can be somewhat misleading for newbies (such as myself). I was looking for the specific command to set the tracking - but the last word there says 'master'. It should instead say . Other than that one nitpick, this is all very good information. – venk Apr 12 '21 at 11:31

The Pro Git book mentions:

Tracking branches are local branches that have a direct relationship to a remote branch

Not exactly. The SO question "Having a hard time understanding git-fetch" includes:

There's no such concept of local tracking branches, only remote tracking branches.
So origin/master is a remote tracking branch for master in the origin repo.

But actually, once you establish an upstream branch relationship between:

  • a local branch like master
  • and a remote tracking branch like origin/master

Then you can consider master as a local tracking branch: It tracks the remote tracking branch origin/master which, in turn, tracks the master branch of the upstream repo origin.

alt text

In other words: "remote" in "remote tracking branch" means a local copy (tracking) of the remote branch, to remember what was last fetched.
As Michael Freidgeim adds in the comments:

The term "remote tracking branches" is confusing.

The more precise word be:

"locally located remote-tracking branch".

Otherwise someone could interpret that “remote tracking branch” is located on the origin server.

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  • Image clarification: My Computer is 2 commits ahead of origin. That's where those two commits off of master come from. Image: http://progit.org/book/ch3-5.html – idbrii Mar 01 '11 at 18:59
  • Am I interpreting correctly: If I locally have remotes set for origin and upstream , then my local master branch will track origin directly, and upstream indirectly? eg: when I `git status` I'll receive a commit tracking message with respect both origin and upstream repos? (Settup: I cloned someone's repo locally, pushed my clone to a new repo on my GitHub account, and locally set origin and upstream remotes to my github repo and the cloned cloned repo respectively). – SherylHohman May 30 '17 at 17:29
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    @SherylHohman No: a local branch won't track anything "directly" or "indirectly". It will track the remote tracking branch you will assign to it. In case of a fork, the best practice is to track upstream (the original repo) for common branches (like master), and track origin (your remote fork) for new branches (your PR or feature branches): see https://stackoverflow.com/a/21847690/6309 – VonC May 30 '17 at 18:06
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    @VonC - The statement "There's no such concept of local tracking branches, only remote tracking branches." is interesting b/c there's such conflicting terminology around branches. This often referenced link https://web.archive.org/web/20130419172453/http://www.gitguys.com/topics/tracking-branches-and-remote-tracking-branches distinguishes between "tracking branches" & "remote tracking branches". They call origin/master a "remote tracking branch" - I agree - but then they call "master" a "tracking branch" too. What is master tracking? Are they wrong or is it a terminology problem? – Howiecamp Dec 04 '17 at 22:24
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    @Howiecamp what they call a "tracking branch called master" is simply a local branch master with an associated remote tracking branch origin/master, here to memorized the last SHA1 fetched from origin regarding its remote master branch. So it is a "shortcut" for designating "a local branch with an upstream branch" – VonC Dec 04 '17 at 22:43
  • "It tracks the remote tracking branch origin/master" what does tracking mean? That any time I do `git pull origin` or `git fetch origin` without anything after it then it will pull down whatever that it's in `origin/master` into local `master`? and if it wasn't being tracked then that command won't do that for me. I'd have to do `git pull origin master` for it to work? (**EDITED**) – Honey Sep 04 '19 at 21:07
  • "tracking" (for `master` relative to `origin/master`) is not the best term: "is associated to" would be better. "`origin/master`" is a (remote) tracking branch, as it "tracks" (ie.: records the last known fetch commit of) a remote branch. But `master` is just a branch you can "associate" to any remote tracking branch you want, in order to help Git answer the question, on a `git push`, of "what remote branch do you want me to push your stuff (commits from `master`)?" Or, on a `git pull`, "what local branch do you want me to merge the fetched commits of the remote branch?" – VonC Sep 04 '19 at 21:11
  • The term “remote tracking branches” is confusing. The more precise word be “ locally located remote-tracking branch”. Otherwise someone could interprete that “remote tracking branch” is located on the origin server. – Michael Freidgeim Mar 08 '21 at 00:59
  • @MichaelFreidgeim I agree. I have included your comment in the answer for more visibility. – VonC Mar 08 '21 at 02:39

This was how I added a tracking branch so I can pull from it into my new branch:

git branch --set-upstream-to origin/Development new-branch
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TL;DR Remember, all git branches are themselves used for tracking the history of a set of files. Therefore, isn't every branch actually a "tracking branch", because that's what these branches are used for: to track the history of files over time. Thus we should probably be calling normal git "branches", "tracking-branches", but we don't. Instead we shorten their name to just "branches".

So that's partly why the term "tracking-branches" is so terribly confusing: to the uninitiated it can easily mean 2 different things.

In git the term "Tracking-branch" is a short name for the more complete term: "Remote-tracking-branch".

It's probably better at first if you substitute the more formal terms until you get more comfortable with these concepts.

Let's rephrase your question to this:

What is a "Remote-tracking-branch?"

The key word here is 'Remote', so skip down to where you get confused and I'll describe what a Remote Tracking branch is and how it's used.

To better understand git terminology, including branches and tracking, which can initially be very confusing, I think it's easiest if you first get crystal clear on what git is and the basic structure of how it works. Without a solid understand like this I promise you'll get lost in the many details, as git has lots of complexity; (translation: lots of people use it for very important things).

The following is an introduction/overview, but you might find this excellent article also informative.


A git repository is like a family photo album: It holds historical snapshots showing how things were in past times. A "snapshot" being a recording of something, at a given moment in time.

A git repository is not limited to holding human family photos. It, rather can be used to record and organize anything that is evolving or changing over time.

The basic idea is to create a book so we can easily look backwards in time,

  • to compare past times, with now, or other moments in time, and
  • to re-create the past.

When you get mired down in the complexity and terminology, try to remember that a git repository is first and foremost, a repository of snapshots, and just like a photo album, it's used to both store and organize these snapshots.


tracked - to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere (dictionary.cambridge.org)

In git, "your project" refers to a directory tree of files (one or more, possibly organized into a tree structure using sub-directories), which you wish to keep a history of.

Git, via a 3 step process, records a "snapshot" of your project's directory tree at a given moment in time.

Each git snapshot of your project, is then organized by "links" pointing to previous snapshots of your project.

One by one, link-by-link, we can look backwards in time to find any previous snapshot of you, or your heritage.

For example, we can start with today's most recent snapshot of you, and then using a link, seek backwards in time, for a photo of you taken perhaps yesterday or last week, or when you were a baby, or even who your mother was, etc.

This is refereed to as "tracking; in this example it is tracking your life, or seeing where you have left a footprint, and where you have come from.


A commit is similar to one page in your photo album with a single snapshot, in that its not just the snapshot contained there, but also has the associated meta information about that snapshot. It includes:

  • an address or fixed place where we can find this commit, similar to its page number,
  • one snapshot of your project (of your file directory tree) at a given moment in time,
  • a caption or comment saying what the snapshot is of, or for,
  • the date and time of that snapshot,
  • who took the snapshot, and finally,
  • one, or more, links backwards in time to previous, related snapshots like to yesterday's snapshot, or to our parent or parents. In other words "links" are similar to pointers to the page numbers of other, older photos of myself, or when I am born to my immediate parents.

A commit is the most important part of a well organized photo album.


Disambiguation: "Tree" here refers not to a file directory tree, as used above, but rather to a family tree of related parent and child commits over time.

The git family tree structure is modeled on our own, human family trees.

In what follows to help understand links in a simple way, I'll refer to:

  • a parent-commit as simply a "parent", and
  • a child-commit as simply a "child" or "children" if plural.

You should understand this instinctively, as it is based on the tree of life:

  • A parent might have one or more children pointing back in time at them, and
  • children always have one or more parents they point to.

Thus all commits except brand new commits, (you could say "juvenile commits"), have one or more children pointing back at them.

  • With no children are pointing to a parent, then this commit is only a "growing tip", or where the next child will be born from.

  • With just one child pointing at a parent, this is just a simple, single parent <-- child relationship.

Line diagram of a simple, single parent chain linking backwards in time:

(older) ... <--link1-- Commit1 <--link2-- Commit2 <--link3-- Commit3 (newest)


branch - A "branch" is an active line of development. The most recent commit on a branch is referred to as the tip of that branch. The tip of the branch is referenced by a branch head, which moves forward as additional development is done on the branch. A single Git repository can track an arbitrary number of branches, but your working tree is associated with just one of them (the "current" or "checked out" branch), and HEAD points to that branch. (gitglossary)

A git branch also refers to two things:

  • a name given to a growing tip, (an identifier), and
  • the actual branch in the graph of links between commits.

More than one child pointing --at a--> parent, is what git calls "branching".

NOTE: In reality any child, of any parent, weather first, second, or third, etc., can be seen as their own little branch, with their own growing tip. So a branch is not necessarily a long thing with many nodes, rather it is a little thing, created with just one or more commits from a given parent.

The first child of a parent might be said to be part of that same branch, whereas the successive children of that parent are what are normally called "branches".

In actuality, all children (not just the first) branch from it's parent, or you could say link, but I would argue that each link is actually the core part of a branch.

Formally, a git "branch" is just a name, like 'foo' for example, given to a specific growing tip of a family hierarchy. It's one type of what they call a "ref". (Tags and remotes which I'll explain later are also refs.)

ref - A name that begins with refs/ (e.g. refs/heads/master) that points to an object name or another ref (the latter is called a symbolic ref). For convenience, a ref can sometimes be abbreviated when used as an argument to a Git command; see gitrevisions(7) for details. Refs are stored in the repository.

The ref namespace is hierarchical. Different subhierarchies are used for different purposes (e.g. the refs/heads/ hierarchy is used to represent local branches). There are a few special-purpose refs that do not begin with refs/. The most notable example is HEAD. (gitglossary)

(You should take a look at the file tree inside your .git directory. It's where the structure of git is saved.)

So for example, if your name is Tom, then commits linked together that only include snapshots of you, might be the branch we name "Tom".

So while you might think of a tree branch as all of it's wood, in git a branch is just a name given to it's growing tips, not to the whole stick of wood leading up to it.

The special growing tip and it's branch which an arborist (a guy who prunes fruit trees) would call the "central leader" is what git calls "master".

The master branch always exists.

Line diagram of: Commit1 with 2 children (or what we call a git "branch"):

                parent      children

                        +-- Commit <-- Commit <-- Commit (Branch named 'Tom')
(older) ... <-- Commit1 <-- Commit                       (Branch named 'master')    

Remember, a link only points from child to parent. There is no link pointing the other way, i.e. from old to new, that is from parent to child.

So a parent-commit has no direct way to list it's children-commits, or in other words, what was derived from it.


Children have one or more parents.

  • With just one parent this is just a simple parent <-- child commit.

  • With more than one parent this is what git calls "merging". Each child can point back to more than one parent at the same time, just as in having both a mother AND father, not just a mother.

Line diagram of: Commit2 with 2 parents (or what we call a git "merge", i.e. Procreation from multiple parents):

                parents     child

           ... <-- Commit
(older) ... <-- Commit1 <-- Commit2  


This word is also used to mean 2 different things:

  • a remote repository, and
  • the local alias name for a remote repository, i.e. a name which points using a URL to a remote repository.

remote repository - A repository which is used to track the same project but resides somewhere else. To communicate with remotes, see fetch or push. (gitglossary)

(The remote repository can even be another git repository on our own computer.) Actually there are two URLS for each remote name, one for pushing (i.e. uploading commits) and one for pulling (i.e. downloading commits) from that remote git repository.

A "remote" is a name (an identifier) which has an associated URL which points to a remote git repository. (It's been described as an alias for a URL, although it's more than that.)

You can setup multiple remotes if you want to pull or push to multiple remote repositories.

Though often you have just one, and it's default name is "origin" (meaning the upstream origin from where you cloned).

origin - The default upstream repository. Most projects have at least one upstream project which they track. By default origin is used for that purpose. New upstream updates will be fetched into remote-tracking branches named origin/name-of-upstream-branch, which you can see using git branch -r. (gitglossary)

Origin represents where you cloned the repository from.
That remote repository is called the "upstream" repository, and your cloned repository is called the "downstream" repository.

upstream - In software development, upstream refers to a direction toward the original authors or maintainers of software that is distributed as source code wikipedia

upstream branch - The default branch that is merged into the branch in question (or the branch in question is rebased onto). It is configured via branch..remote and branch..merge. If the upstream branch of A is origin/B sometimes we say "A is tracking origin/B". (gitglossary)

This is because most of the water generally flows down to you.
From time to time you might push some software back up to the upstream repository, so it can then flow down to all who have cloned it.


A remote-tracking-branch is first, just a branch name, like any other branch name.

It points at a local growing tip, i.e. a recent commit in your local git repository.

But note that it effectively also points to the same commit in the remote repository that you cloned the commit from.

remote-tracking branch - A ref that is used to follow changes from another repository. It typically looks like refs/remotes/foo/bar (indicating that it tracks a branch named bar in a remote named foo), and matches the right-hand-side of a configured fetch refspec. A remote-tracking branch should not contain direct modifications or have local commits made to it. (gitglossary)

Say the remote you cloned just has 2 commits, like this: parent42 <== child-of-4, and you clone it and now your local git repository has the same exact two commits: parent4 <== child-of-4.
Your remote tracking branch named origin now points to child-of-4.

Now say that a commit is added to the remote, so it looks like this: parent42 <== child-of-4 <== new-baby. To update your local, downstream repository you'll need to fetch new-baby, and add it to your local git repository. Now your local remote-tracking-branch points to new-baby. You get the idea, the concept of a remote-tracking-branch is simply to keep track of what had previously been the tip of a remote branch that you care about.


First we begin tracking a file with git.

enter image description here

Here are the basic commands involved with file tracking:

$ mkdir mydir &&  cd mydir &&  git init             # create a new git repository

$ git branch                                        # this initially reports no branches
                                                    #  (IMHO this is a bug!)

$ git status -bs       # -b = branch; -s = short    # master branch is empty
## No commits yet on master

# ...
$ touch foo                                         # create a new file

$ vim foo                                           # modify it (OPTIONAL)

$ git add         foo; commit -m 'your description'  # start tracking foo 
$ git rm  --index foo; commit -m 'your description'  # stop  tracking foo 
$ git rm          foo; commit -m 'your description'  # stop  tracking foo & also delete foo


$ git pull    # Essentially does:  get fetch; git merge    # to update our clone

There is much more to learn about fetch, merge, etc, but this should get you off in the right direction I hope.

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tracking branch is nothing but a way to save us some typing.

If we track a branch, we do not have to always type git push origin <branch-name> or git pull origin <branch-name> or git fetch origin <branch-name> or git merge origin <branch-name>. given we named our remote origin, we can just use git push, git pull, git fetch,git merge, respectively.

We track a branch when we:

  1. clone a repository using git clone
  2. When we use git push -u origin <branch-name>. This -u make it a tracking branch.
  3. When we use git branch -u origin/branch_name branch_name
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