How can I get the "lenght" of "enemies"? I have tried many ways, but I haven´t been able to do it. I want to use the number to loop thru the enemies. I tried Object.key() and many variations, but I don't quiet get how to implemente it, or if I am going on the right direction.

var rooms = {
"start": {
    "description": "You are in a dark, cold place and you see a light to <b>north</b>\
 and you hear the sound of running water to the <b>west</b>",
    "directions": {
        "north": "clearing1",
        "west": "bridge1"
    "enemies": {
      "enemy1": "enemiesDB[0]",
      "enemy2": "enemiesDB[1]"


UPDATE I change the code to be an array which solved the problem.

    var rooms = {
"start": {
    "description": "You are in a dark, cold place and you see a light to <b>north</b>\
 and you hear the sound of running water to the <b>west</b>",
    "directions": {
        "north": "clearing1",
        "west": "bridge1"
    "enemies": [enemiesDB[0], enemiesDB[1]]

Then I was able to use it in a loop like this...


Thanks @NickCordova!

Chris Luna
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2 Answers2


Objects doesn't have a length, however you can use Object.keys to get an array of the enumerable own keys of an object, and read the length of that array.


Enemies is an object which does not have a length, i guess you want



var rooms = {
  "start": {
    "description": "You are in a dark, cold place and you see a light  and you hear the sound of running water to the <b>west</b>",
    "directions": {
      "north": "clearing1",
      "west": "bridge1"
    "enemies": {
      "enemy1": "enemiesDB[0]",
      "enemy2": "enemiesDB[1]"
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