I've a set interval function like this -

     var postData = {'some json data'};

     var successCallback = function(data) {

     var errorCallback = function(data) {

     RestClient.invokeRemoteService(postData, this.successCallback, this.errorCallback);

}, 10000);

And Here is my invokeRemoteService() method at of RestClient (at another file) -

RestClient = window.RestClient || {};

(function (w, rs) {
    rs.invokeRemoteService = function ( postData, successCallBack, errorCallBack){ //label-1, successCallback and errorCallback are undefined

                url : '/some/url/',
                dataType : "json",
                data :{
                    cmd: ko.toJSON(postData)
                type : "post",
                async : true,

                success : function(data) { //label-2, get data ok
                    if (typeof successCallBack === "function") { //label-3, successCallBack is undefined
                        successCallBack(data); //label-4
                error : function() {
                    if (typeof errorCallBack === "function") {
                        errorCallBack(); //label-5


})(window, RestClient);

But when I call RestClient.invokeRemoteService() method from setInterval() method I always get 'undefined' for successCallback and errorCallback at label-1, label-3 and label-5. Though the service call done perfectly and I get correct data at label-2. TheRestClient.invokeRemoteService()work fine for other. But when I call it fromsetInterval()` its not working. Please help.

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1 Answers1


No need for this, your successCallback and errorCallback are directly in the scope.

     var postData = {'some json data'};

     var successCallback = function(data) {

     var errorCallback = function(data) {

     RestClient.invokeRemoteService(postData, successCallback, errorCallback);

}, 10000);
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  • Thanks it works!. But since I'm new to javascript, I can't understand why it was not working when I used 'this'.Can you kindly please explain a bit. – Razib Oct 22 '17 at 19:36
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    `this` is used to access the function caller _context_. Most of the time it is the global context (`window`), and in case the function is an object method, that object instance. In your case, you are trying to refer to variables in a _scope_ / _closure_, which is done directly without using `this`. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3127429/how-does-the-this-keyword-work – ghybs Oct 22 '17 at 19:41