I was trying to figure out how to programmatically via C++/# or Windows scripts launch the new Virtual Touchpad that comes with Windows 10, which is supposed to be a Universal Windows Platform app.

After some registry-hacking, I figured out I could launch the Touchpad leveraging launch behavior with registered protocols, like so:

"%SystemRoot%\system32\LaunchWinApp.exe" "ms-virtualtouchpad:"

I found this information at this key:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="URL:Virtual Touchpad"
"URL Protocol"=""




Its (Default) value is REG_EXPAND_SZ:"%SystemRoot%\system32\LaunchWinApp.exe" "%1"

That DelegateExecute is related to this key:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="VirtualTouchpadFlow Class"


Its (Default) value is REG_EXPAND_SZ:%SystemRoot%\system32\twinui.pcshell.dll

So for my non-UWP app or script, I've got enabling it down. The issue then becomes toggling it off. So if it's a UWP app, I'm assuming I need to get it in either the Suspend state, or somehow send it terminate.

There's not much documented for LaunchWinApp that I can see, and I haven't noticed anything similarly named for Close/Suspend/Terminate.

I'm fine launching the Virtual Touchpad another way, but as far as I can tell, there's no currently existing Q&A on even launching that programmatically.

How should I proceed?

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  • You should just be able to [`ShellExecuteEx`](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb762154(v=vs.85).aspx) the custom URI, then terminate the process later. Not that this is necessarily a good idea... – Peter Torr - MSFT Oct 18 '17 at 03:11
  • How is that possible, @PeterTorr-MSFT? I may have misunderstood your intent of instruction. `LaunchWinApp.exe` is the process being used to launch the UWP app, but LaunchWinApp does not persist, and the somewhat-masked generated processes (like COM Surrogates) don't toggle off the Windows Virtual Touchpad after killing them. – kayleeFrye_onDeck Oct 18 '17 at 20:30
  • You should be able to execute any registered scheme handler. On my machine I tried `Start -> Run -> ms-virtualtrackpad:` and nothing happened, but then I don't have a touchscreen on this PC. I don't see this documented, so it's probably not going to be supported anyway. Consider providing feedback at http://wpdev.uservoice.com – Peter Torr - MSFT Nov 04 '17 at 00:57
  • @PeterTorr-MSFT I eventually found the window and class name via Spy++, and close it using `SendMessage` with Win32 APIs. – kayleeFrye_onDeck Nov 04 '17 at 01:07

2 Answers2


Here's a C++ working code sample for toggling the touchpad open, the closed for anyone interested. I believe you need a touch-enabled display for the touchpad to actually come up. I've been unable to get it working on my touchless desktop.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    ShellExecute(0, 0, "ms-virtualtouchpad:", 0, 0, SW_HIDE);

    HWND uwp_wnd = HWND();
    uwp_wnd = FindWindowEx(0, uwp_wnd, "ApplicationFrameWindow", 0);
    if (uwp_wnd)
        HWND tpad_wnd = HWND();

        tpad_wnd = FindWindowEx(uwp_wnd, tpad_wnd, "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow", "Windows Shell Experience Host");
        if (tpad_wnd != 0)
            SendMessage(tpad_wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
            return 0;

    return 1;
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    I can't run (toggle on) the virtualtouchpad by this code, but hiding/closing it works. – Jeff T. May 08 '18 at 08:26
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    The `ShellExecute(0, 0, "ms-virtualtouchpad:", 0, 0, SW_HIDE);` doesn't work for me. – Jeff T. May 08 '18 at 08:27
  • @JeffT. can you please tell me what version of Windows you're using? I thought this stopped working when RedStone 3 went live, but I just rebuilt and ran this successfully on RS3, Version 1709 (OS Build 16299.371) ; you can get this info quickly by running `winver` – kayleeFrye_onDeck May 08 '18 at 23:34
  • Hi @kayleeFrye_onDeck, I run it on OS Build 16299.371, but it still doesn't work though. I've tried `WinExec()` and `system()` as well. Both didn't work, even I ran a bat script which includes `start ms-virtualtouchpad:`. – Jeff T. May 09 '18 at 04:02
  • But if I manually click to run a bat script which includes `start ms-virtualtouchpad:`, it can be launched. Don't know how Windows 10 prevents users from launching it programmatically. – Jeff T. May 09 '18 at 04:03
  • is there a real touchpad in your laptop ? If your device is a full-screen pad (like ipad) without a real touchpad, the result might be different, I guess. Because my device is just a pad, there is no `Touchpad` name shown in the `Settings/Devices` unless I've launched the virtual touchpad manually. – Jeff T. May 09 '18 at 04:29
  • @JeffT. it's a proprietary piece of HW that my company uses; it's not really a traditional touchpad, it's more like a soft touch-screen, connected to a PC. I know that my PC at home can't do this, as it can't even launch the Touchpad, as there's no touch-eligible devices. I didn't know about device-specific issues with this usage, but it's good to know about! Just curious, did you try the sample as-written? I'd be interested to know where in the code it stops working as-expected. – kayleeFrye_onDeck May 09 '18 at 05:43

@KayleeFrye_onDeck, sorry for late reply.

Finally I can launch the ms-virtualtouchpad. The reason is my device was running on x64 OS, my x86 program should access LaunchWinApp.exe under C:\Windows\Sysnative instead of C:\Windows\System32 as here said. So that works ! Thank you for your research beforehand !

Jeff T.
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