say you have a list [ 1 , 2 ,3 ...... n] if you needed to compare two elements so you would write something like

list = (0..9999).to_a

idx = 0

while idx < list.length
  idx2 = idx
  while idx2 < list.length
    puts list[idx] + list[idx2] if (list[idx] + list[idx2]).odd?
    idx2 += 1
  idx += 1

But what if the number of comparisons is not constant and increases? This code hard codes the comparison by having one loop inside another, but if you needed to compare 4 or more elements how does one write a loop or something that achieves this if you don't know the maximum number of comparisons?

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3 Answers3


We have a helpful method in ruby to do this, and that is Array#combination:

def find_odd_sums(list, num_per_group)

You can re-implement combination, if you choose to. There are many versions of this function available at Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n

max pleaner
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    You can remove the `Enumerator#to_a` after `Array#combination`. I can't remove it because it's less than 6 chars. – 3limin4t0r Oct 14 '17 at 10:50

This question is not clear. Firstly, the title, which is vague, asks how a particular approach to an unstated problem can be implemented. What you need, at the beginning, is a statement in words of the problem.

I will make a guess as to what that statement might be and then propose a solution.


  • an array arr;
  • a positive integer n, 1 <= n <= arr.size; and
  • a method m having n arguments that are distinct elements of arr that returns true or false,

what combinations of n elements of arr cause m to return true?

We can use the following method combined with a definition of the method m.

def combos(arr, n, m)
  arr.combination(n).select { |x| public_send(m, *x) }

The key, of course, is the method Array#combination. See also the docs for the methods Enumerable#select and Object#public_send.

Here is its use with the example given in the question.

def m(*x)

arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

combos(arr, 2, :m)
  #=> [[1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 6], [2, 3], [2, 5], [3, 4], [3, 6], [4, 5], [5, 6]]
combos(arr, 3, :m)
  #=> [[1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 6], [1, 3, 5], [1, 4, 6], [2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 6],
  #    [2, 4, 5], [2, 5, 6], [3, 4, 6], [4, 5, 6]]
combos(arr, 4, :m)
  #=> [[1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 4, 5], [1, 3, 5, 6], [2, 3, 4, 6], [2, 4, 5, 6]]

See the doc for Array#sum (which made it's debut in Ruby v2.4.

Here's a second example: given an array of letters, which combinations of five letters have two vowels?

VOWEL_COUNTER = %w| a e i o u |.product([1]).to_h.tap { |h| h.default=0 }
  #=> {"a"=>1, "e"=>1, "i"=>1, "o"=>1, "u"=>1}
  #=> 1

By setting the hash's default value to zero, VOWEL_COUNTER[k] will return zero if it does not have a key k. For example,

  #=> 0

def m(*x)
  x.sum { |c| VOWEL_COUNTER[c] } == 2

arr = %w| a r t u e v s |    
combos(arr, 5, :m)
  #=> [["a", "r", "t", "u", "v"], ["a", "r", "t", "u", "s"],
  #    ["a", "r", "t", "e", "v"], ["a", "r", "t", "e", "s"],
  #    ["a", "r", "u", "v", "s"], ["a", "r", "e", "v", "s"],
  #    ["a", "t", "u", "v", "s"], ["a", "t", "e", "v", "s"],
  #    ["r", "t", "u", "e", "v"], ["r", "t", "u", "e", "s"],
  #    ["r", "u", "e", "v", "s"], ["t", "u", "e", "v", "s"]]

Note that VOWEL_COUNTER is constructed as follows.

a = %w| a e i o u |
  #=> ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
b = a.product([1])
  #=> [["a", 1], ["e", 1], ["i", 1], ["o", 1], ["u", 1]]
c = b.to_h
  #=> {"a"=>1, "e"=>1, "i"=>1, "o"=>1, "u"=>1}

With this hash,

  #=> nil

so we need to set the default value to zero.

VOWEL_COUNTER = c.tap { |h| h.default=0 }
  #=> {"a"=>1, "e"=>1, "i"=>1, "o"=>1, "u"=>1}
  #=> 0

Alternatively, we could have omitted the last step (setting the hash's default to zero), and written

x.sum { |c| VOWEL_COUNTER[c].to_i } == 2

because NilClass#to_i converts nil to zero.

See also the docs for the methods #select, #public_send

Cary Swoveland
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I feel like everyone is making this more complicated than it is. You sure got pointed to the right direction (Array#combination, Array#repeated_combination, Array#permutation, Array#repeated_permutation). To accomplish the exact thing you are doing, you can simply do:

list.repeated_combination(2) { |c| puts c.sum if c.sum.odd? }

Check the links above to see the difference between them.

If you want to create a helper method you can, but in my opinion it's not really needed in this case. Replace 2 with the number you are looking for and you got your answer.

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