Im trying to webscrape the price of a player from futbin.com however I keep getting returned "-" instead of the value of the player which in this case is 0

<div class="bin_price lbin">
                        <span class="price_big_right">
                            <span id="ps-lowest-1" data-price="0">0 <img alt="c" class="coins_icon_l_bin" src="https://cdn.futbin.com/design/img/coins_bin.png"></span>

Here is what I've written in R

bon = read_html("https://www.futbin.com/18/player/1")
html_node(bon, "span#ps-lowest-1") %>%

Ive even tried extracting the complete SPAN and the value still isn't being returned

Thanks guys in advanced

  • If you view the source for that page, you'll see that the HTML reads `-`. This differs to what the web inspector shows. I'd guess some javascript is dynamically altering the content to show 0. – neilfws Oct 04 '17 at 00:03
  • @neilfws any idea on how to go about this – Arthur Alex Oct 04 '17 at 01:42
  • I believe there are solutions using RSelenium and/or phantomjs, but I have never used them. Search for those terms + "scraping", see what comes up. – neilfws Oct 04 '17 at 02:13

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