The trackBy function (e.g. in an ngFor) provides two arguments: index and item (from the collection being iterated over). Is there a way to pass additional information (as parameters?) to th trackBy function?

My case is that I might be iterating over a variety of types for each instance of my component (which contains the ngFor), with different identifying field names. Ideally, I'd like to be able to pass a third parameter indicating which field in my item should be read.

Sujatha Girijala
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2 Answers2


bind method can help you to do this trick


<div *ngFor="let item of items; trackBy: trackByFn.bind(this, 'name')">
  {{ item }}


items = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'name1'
    id: 2,
    name: 'name2'
trackByFn(customParam, index, item) {
  return item[customParam];
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I know this question is over a year old now, but I'd like to add another option:

You can create an Angular pipe that takes the additional parameter(s) as arguments and returns a TrackByFunction. The use of such pipe would look as follows:

<div *ngFor="let item of items; trackBy: (myParameter | myTrackByFn)">

The code for the pipe looks as follows:

@Pipe({ name: 'myTrackByFn' })
export class MyTrackByFnPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform<T>(myParameter: any): TrackByFunction<T> {
    return (index: number: item: T) => {
      // ...

One of the benefits that comes with this approach is that you can reuse the pipe across components, eliminating the need to reimplement a trackBy function in every component.

You can read more about this approach in Ben Nadel's post.

Sam Herrmann
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