
Could you please help me with Python-Flask server misunderstanding. I have some project with flask, it perfectly works on local server, but when I moved it to the Web Server (blue host), some of my script give me these errors:

Here I have jQuery, Ajax response to show a table without reloading page:

<button class="myButton" id = "Lbutton">Load</button>



          url: "/table,
          type: "get",
          data: {jsdata: $( "#select option:selected" ).text()},
          success: function(response) {

          error: function(xhr) {
            // handle error



url: "/table, is the link for Flask function:

def table():

    modid = request.args.get('jsdata')
    return render_template('table.html')

But finally the Server gave me error:

File does not exist: /home1/user/public_html/table

Why direct link for action, server understand like a link for a file?

So, every action to Python-Flask

<form action="/sendemail" method="post">

the Server understand like a link and give an error message !

What I'm doing wrong ?

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2 Answers2


Solved, I need to put the full path in action and route() decorator @app.route "/.../templates/table.html"

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Most likely you need to add the POST method to your route definition.



@FlaskApp2.route('/table', methods=['GET', 'POST'])

Check out the documentation here: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.12/quickstart/#http-methods

Which has an example of an endpoint that accepts both GET and POST HTTP methods.

Also check out a related question: Flask example with POST

Jim Factor
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