I am developing an Ebook for iPhone that loads ePUB file. I have unzipped the epub file. Now I want to view the content in the unzipped epub file. how would I proceed from here?

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3 Answers3


Please look at this thread Reading ePub format which describes detail steps(From Euan) and sample project (From Sreelal).

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ePub files include HTML files, have you tried viewing them in UIWebView, or creating a parser?

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  • But, there is a file called container.xml and some other files like css, ncx, opf....which file do I need to parse? I am a bit confused.. – user549211 Jan 10 '11 at 18:19
  • There should be multiple files with the same file name, numbered sequentially. Those files will hold the main content. – WrightsCS Jan 10 '11 at 18:28
  • Thanks. I didnt see the files with same file name. These are the files I have when I excract ePUB file. http://screencast.com/t/G2Iu3RDv5 – user549211 Jan 10 '11 at 18:42
  • That doesnt look like a complete ePub. This is what a complete ePub file's contents should look like: http://snapplr.com/pvfz – WrightsCS Jan 10 '11 at 18:49
  • Hi, is it enough id I able to view content of HTML file?..no need of working with container.xml? – user549211 Jan 11 '11 at 12:57
  • You don't seem to have an understanding of the ePub format. I would read more on it to getnmore familiar with it. – WrightsCS Jan 11 '11 at 16:01

Have a read of the ePUB file format (from wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPUB)

This points out the files that are the starting points of the book i.e. the container.xml file will tell you where the main opf files are etc.

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