
first time posting on here and a bit of a noob in c#. Basically I'm creating a linkedlist and initializing it to null at the beginning of my class. When I'm ready to use it, I check to make sure that it's not equal to the string passed by the method. I immediately get a NullReferenceException, and i'm supposed to be comparing it to null. Any fixes?

private DoubleLinkedListCell<DoubleLinkedListCell<GamePiece>> _columns = null;

public void FindColumn(string columnId)

        bool right = true;
        while (_columns.Id != columnId)
            if (_columns.Next == null)
                right = false;
            if (right)
                Columns = Columns.Next;
                Columns = Columns.Prev;

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1 Answers1


You will get null reference if u try to access any property or member of _columns List (ex _columns.Id,_columns.Next etc..) so initialize it in constructor or direct when u declare field

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